Chapter 104 - Room Change

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******Lemon Alert******

Okay, so this one is very short and very one sided as well. Not to say that it's not important. But it does show the true feelings of one person.

But as always, if you don't want to read it, just look for the ******Start****** to know when to start to skip, then return at the ******Stop****** and we will see you then.

For everyone else. Enjoy.

Cathy couldn't seem to breath anymore as he lifted her chin up to meet his. And her body was like puddy in his hand as it responded so eagerly to him. All she could do was close her eyes as he gently placed his lips on hers. Which made her heart leap as he slowly pulled her closer.

Paul closed his eyes as he placed his lips on hers. The soft feeling of her skin and lips made his heart start to pound as he felt himself wanting to feel more of her. He slowly pulled her closer to him as he started to slowly kiss her. She responded to each of his kisses with the same tenderness that he was giving her.

He slowly slid his hands around her waist and pulled her harder against himself as he was starting to fall further under the urgency to feel her skin against his. Her skin felt so soft under his fingers as he slide them across her back as he yearning increased and started to take over. He felt his fingers start to tingle as again his mind started to wander to someone else who felt this soft and eager for him. The thoughts of her made him deepen his kiss as he quickly slid his tongue past her lips as he hungered to taste her again.

As he did, he felt her shift under his hands as she slid her hands up and around his neck as she meet his hunger with her own. He felt her fingers start to run though the hair on the back of his head as she was meeting his kiss with the same heat that he was giving her. The feeling of her fingers was starting to turn him on even more as she seemed to be more then eager as she gently dragged her nails down the back of his neck. He reached his hands down and grabbed her ass and lifted her off the floor as he pulled her legs up by his waist. And if by instant, her legs quickly wrapped around his waist.

She felt like her head was swimming as he was waking her up in ways that she never thought to be possible. His hands seem to send intense waves of heat as they touched and he lifted her up. Then as he held her, she felt him start to move as he turned towards the bed. Then she slightly jumped as he climbed up onto the bed as he still held her as they heavily kissed.

Then she seemed to melt into him as he laid her down on the bed on her back as he continued to kiss her. She felt her heart start to race as he laid her down flat with his body in between her legs as he hungrily kissed her. He couldn't seem to get enough of her as he moved from kissing her lips to moving down to her neck as he slowly started to pull away. She moaned at the pleasure that he was giving her as she couldn't seem to focus on anything but him as he kissed a trail from her neck on down to the middle of her chest.


When he reached her breasts he paused and seemed to stare at them for a moment. She bit her bottom lip as she was waiting to see what his reaction was going to be to them. But when he looked up at her with a heated gaze, she instantly became wet. For he leaned down and gave her left breast a tender kiss as he watched her gasp at him.

Dear six is he hot. She thought as she bit her lip as he reached up and slowly dragged his fingers down her neck and on down to her chest

He gave her a slight smirk as he watched her eyes get darker as he slowly reached her breasts. Then when he reached her breast she seemed to hold her breath as she waited to see what he was going to do. Which brought a heated smile to his face as he grabbed her breast in his hand and started to message it with his hand as he watched her moan at him as he sent waves of pleasure through her with each gentle squeeze. Then as he slide his fingers in further and started to slightly squeeze her nipple, he watched as she rolled her eyes for a moment before looking back at him with lustful eyes.

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