one hundred and six: can't help myself (part seven)

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that night after working the case, you were all staying at a hotel provided to you and the team while in vegas. you had separate rooms but that night you just couldn't sleep without the thought of the rookie in the back of your mind.

you wanted it gone.

you opened your door, looking out into the hallway before getting your key and shutting the door, hearing it lock back behind you.

you walked over to where reid's door was as you quietly knocked on it. you hoped he would answer and as soon as he did, you could tell you had woken him up.

"_____, hey, sweetheart," he said in a half asleep voice. "everything okay?"

you stared up at him as he gently rubbed his eyes.

"can i stay with you tonight?" you asked.

he furrowed his brows, questioning your behavior.

"are you sure you're okay?"

you bit your lip and looked away, trying not to make eye contact with him right now. he was a little more alert to your actions as of right now. he was trained to read behavior and that's exactly what he was doing. there wasn't much that you could hide from him.

"it's the rookie, isn't it? he's just in your head all of the time now?" he asked as you hesitantly looked back over at him.

reid ushered you inside his room before he shut the door and came over to where you were standing. he pulled you into a tight hug as he kept you close, you sighed into his hold.

"i like it when you hold me," you said softly, burying your face into his shoulder as you held onto him tightly.

"so you need to stay the night with me?" he asked.

you nodded, not wanting to speak much aloud.

he nodded as well, rubbing his thumb across your back gently and sweetly as he held you close. you were beginning to loosen up again as he kept you close. he could feel your back muscles becoming less tense and your grip slowly loosening lightly on him.

reid gently swayed the two of you back and forth to keep you calm.

in his mind, he was going over and thinking about everything that had happened with the rookie. from the texts, to direct comments, and now to dreams. he wasn't sure what the deal was but this guy had somehow managed to frighten you and make him jealous all of the time.

at this point, reid zoned back in to notice that you were almost completely asleep at this point. you always said that him holding you did wonders and he was seeing it very clearly now.

you felt safe, protected.

it made for sleep a lot easier.

reid pressed a gentle kiss to the side of your head as he looked out the window afterwards into the night sky and overlook of vegas.

he was thinking about the first time he saw you which was at a target practice where you joked about his aim and he made jokes about the ease and ability you had to shoot a gun considering you'd never done it before. you had with your dad plenty of times, reid soon figured out, but the way that you were shooting seemed too professionally mastered to just be you just now getting your badge to shoot a weapon as a rookie.

his mind then wandered off to the first time he began to feel something towards you- that loving feeling. the protective instinct.

he was working with you out on the crime scene and noticed how you liked to look at things deeper than what the other officers said to you. your mind wanted to go into the true emotion and physical presence of the criminal who committed the horrific crime because you wanted to get it solved. he began to just start admiring every little thing about you at that moment.

he then began thinking of the first time you two kissed. it was after work when the entire team went out for a drink after arriving back home again. you weren't drinking that night because of being a driver for the clan and reid joined in with you on doing so because he wasn't interested in the toxic liquid that they so desperately wanted. on the way to drop of prentiss, you two kept making eye contact with each other from the corner of your eyes. when you got her back inside her apartment, reid decided to take a chance and go in for it but he got too nervous. that's when you did it for him.

his mind began reliving the memory of your first date and not telling the team you were dating until about fourth months in because you both wanted to make sure it was going to work and it clearly did.

he then began thinking about him asking you to move in with him, meeting your family, you meeting his mom since he didn't know where to find his dad, the late night conversations on the phone or in person, the documentaries, the movies, the books explained, the amount of stolen t shirts you had of his, the drives to work together in the morning, the first time you two did it together, and even the first fight over the best way to eat chinese food.

he wasn't going to let some rookie tear all of this apart. he wanted to marry you, he wanted to give you everything this world could offer, he wanted all of just you.

he wanted your presence.

if this meant telling the rookie exactly how he feels, then he'd do it.

he'd do it for you.

when he snapped out of his thoughts, he looked down at you, noticing you were completely asleep against him as he smiled. he brought you carefully over to the bed as he laid you down and got in beside you, immediately seeing you find him and hold onto him, cuddling yourself against his side as you let out a small content hum of satisfaction.

reid smiled to himself, keeping you close as he thought about it all.

he would tell this rookie exactly how he felt.

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