one hundred and forty four: understanding

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everyone was sitting in the conference room, about to discuss the case, when garcia walked in very rushed and took a seat after apologizing. you looked up from the case you furrowed your eyebrows at her weird actions before hotch told her to begin discussing the case.

"we should go on that date we planned," you told reid as you were packing your things, seeing morgan walking up towards the two of you. reid laughed, shrugging his shoulders in response as he was sitting on the desk before morgan interrupted the conversation.

"_______, what is going on with garcia?" he asked, causing you to look away from your boyfriend.

"what makes you assume that i would know?" you asked, smiling a bit before looking back down at your bag. morgan let out a sigh, causing you to look right back up again. he stepped closer to you, noticing reid shifting as he neared standing up, but morgan noticed and took a step back.

"look, garcia trusts you. she will tell you anything, _______."

you let out a sigh, glancing back over at morgan before responding.

"fine, i'll talk with her. but, i can't promise anything," you told morgan. he smiled, thanking you before looking over at reid before leaning closer to you. he knew reid was going to stand up and get you. "and get his jealousy under control."

you laughed a little, zipping up your bag. 

"trust me, i've tried," you muttered before morgan walked off. 

when you looked back over at reid, you could see the expression in his eyes.

"okay," you said, walking over to him as you wrapped your arms around him. you could feel his hold tightening on you as you laughed. "you are such a jealous man, spence," you muttered, closing your eyes as you stayed close with him. when you heard people walking past the two of you, you let go as you stood back a little to look at him.

"i love you, spence," you said. "but maybe calm the jealousy? i mean, it's been three years and you still get so jealous."

he smiled, bringing you closer once again.

"all because i love you," he explained, pressing a brief kiss to your cheek as you smiled. 

"alright, spence, i need to go talk to garcia before we leave," you told him. he smiled, pressing another kiss to your cheek as you let go of him, walking off to go find her so you could hopefully help explain the situation to morgan.

when you walked off, morgan walked back over to where reid was. 

"you are such a jealous person," morgan said, looking over at reid as he shrugged. he was still watching where you had walked off. 

"i can't help it," he said. morgan furrowed his brows at that response.

"i wouldn't steal her," he explained. "why the hell would i do that?"

reid stood up, grabbing your bag that you hadn't picked up yet as he also grabbed his before looking back over at morgan.

"i know you wouldn't," he said. "but, i just feel the need to protect her."

he noticed you coming back out as he smiled at morgan once more before walking off to meet you. morgan sighed,  wanting to know everything going on with garcia and understand still why reid was the most jealous of him.

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