fifteen: slow blinking

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"you did great, spence!" you said as you came up to where he was, standing on your tiptoes to plant a soft kiss to his cheek. he smiled to himself, suddenly feeling less awkward about everything from his speech.

you smiled to yourself, laying your head down close to his shoulder as you grabbed one of his hands and held onto it.

"you really think so?" he asked softly as you looked up at him, lifting your head from his shoulder as you nodded, giving him a sweet smile, while you blinked slower than what you normally do.

he laughed lightly.

"what are you doing?" he asked.

"what?" you asked, looking down towards his hand that you were holding as you felt blush powdering your cheeks heavily.

"you're doing that slow blink again and- oh, oh, i know what this is," he said as you looked back up at him, still blinking slightly slower than usual. "you're in love with me, aren't you?"

you smiled, looking off to the side.

"it's that obvious, even though we haven't said the words yet?" you asked.

"_____, scientific researchers have shown that people who blink slower at someone is a sign that they love them," he said to you as you looked back up at him.

he gave you a sweet smile causing your heart to just melt.

"i love you," you told him as you leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek while he kept smiling to himself, reaching out and pulling you closer to him as you leaned your head against his.

"i love you too," he replied.

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