nine: prostitution propositions

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"morgan, you're with prentiss. reid, you're with _____ and me," hotch said as the five of you all left to go out and talk to some homeless people in the kansas city streets. you all climbed in the car, having to force everyone in one car as to not take two.

"spence?" you said aloud as he looked over at you. you were sitting between him and morgan while hotch drove and prentiss sat up front.

his brown eyes looked down into yours as you looked back up at him. he laughed a little awkwardly as you continued to stare into his eyes.

"did you need to ask me something or?"

you shook your head, laying it down on his shoulder afterwards as you let out a sigh.

"i just wanted to see your eyes again," you muttered softly as the rest of the ride was ridden in silence.

upon arriving, you got out with reid and hotch as morgan and prentiss went to go talk to a man who was gathering things out of a trash can while the three of you went over to some girls.

hotch began to ask them questions about if they noticed any of the selected remembered people that they had stored in their brain had gone missing but they shook their heads, not truly knowing.

one of the girls came over to reid and pulled on his tie, slipping it out from the sweater and into her hands as you stared her down with a hard stare. reid awkwardly pulled it out of her grasp as she gave him another smile before walking away with her friend.

you looked over at reid who was awkwardly holding it in his hand before you took it from him and helped fix it back underneath the sweater and on top of his shirt. he watched you do this as you focused on getting it back to where another girl couldn't take it out but you could still see it.

"sorry," he said to you, making you look up at him.


"sorry," he repeated. "she touched close to my shirt. you like to take that off a lot so you're not really used to another girl getting so close to it," he muttered softly as you looked over to the side with blush heavily powdering your cheeks.

he chuckled before hotch called him and you over to another group of women to ask them more questions about any disappearances.

after interviewing pretty much everyone you all could find in the street, you all joined back up with morgan and prentiss.

"well, he's no charlie chaplin," hotch said as the three of you approached the two of them.

"ah, again with the chaplins," morgan said.

"how'd you guys do?" prentiss asked as you shifted uncomfortably on your feet, knowing what was coming next.

"well, reid got propositioned by every prostitute we talked to, but we didn't find anybody who thinks they'd seen the unsub," hotch said as you nodded, wrapping an arm around his arm while his hands stayed tucked in his pockets.

reid looked down at you.

"_____, it's okay," he muttered softly to where only you could hear him.

"i love you, spence," you said back softly.

"i love you most," he replied back as you tightened your grip around his arm with yours.

"are you two okay?" prentiss asked as you nodded. "because you are both just so close to each other right now."

"maybe it's the fact that prostitutes kept hitting on my boyfriend," you replied with a small smile before all of you continued on with talking and discussing the case.

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