seventy nine: can't help myself (part three)

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author's note: i need to catch up on theater homework but im not too worried cause i can do it on my break at work (i have an hour break) so that'll be nice!!

"reid, elijah, i want you both to go together to the dump site," hotch said as he then paired you up with morgan to go interview some ladies at a store that was robbed by the supposed unsub.

you looked over at him as you saw reid looking angrily towards the rookie.

when hotch dismissed everyone, you watched as reid's eyes followed the rookie all the way out of the room before he stood up and came over to you. he pressed a slightly rough kiss to your lips before smiling down at you and walking off.

"dear God," you muttered, leaning back in the chair before morgan helped you up. you looked up at him, running a hand through your hair. "the rookie is going to be our next victim."

"why's that?"

"spence," you muttered. "he's losing his mind over the fact that another man finds me appealing somehow, i don't know how his mind works. i don't try to understand it either."

"i feel like you should know about how his mind works, _____," morgan chuckled.

"i know that he always thinks of me in the morning when he wakes up because everytime i wake up, he's always found a spot to cuddle himself into and keep me close to him. i know that he likes his coffee strong as compared to a lot of the coffee in normal coffee shops. he says that i make it better than any barista he could ever go to. i know that he's always thinking about the next step within a case because he wants to think a step ahead of the unsub. i know that his mind is always working and it never gets stuck on something for very long unless it truly bothers him," you muttered, looking back at morgan from where you were previously looking. "what?"

"you say you don't know how his mind works and then you just express his entire mind's thoughts."

"sometimes i forget how long we've been dating and the knowledge i have from him scares me," you muttered once more.

"it's been, what, five years now?" he asked as you nodded.

"in a couple of months, it'll be five and a half years," you responded as you looked back up at him.

"i really don't want spence to do anything to the rookie but i know him, morgan," you told him. "i've never met a person that's so jealous. i don't know why he's like this but he is."

"it's because, i don't know, maybe you're his first and only girlfriend and he sort of, just a little bit, kind of loves you, _____," morgan responded as you looked up at him.

"i hope he doesn't do anything," you muttered. "i can't stand to see something stupid occur."

"what do you think he'd do if he does something?"

you sighed, looking off to the side.

"he would tell the person exactly how he feels. then, he would threaten them in some sort but i know spence, and so does the team, and you guys know how unthreatening my boyfriend is. but he'd do it for me. and then if the person didn't change, he'd start to get a little more protective and pda would increase because that's his way of letting them know," you said. "and i have nothing against it but i just don't want the rookie to be traumatized by anything."

morgan raised his eyebrows.

"damn, _____," he said as you looked back up at him in confusion.


"you've gotten yourself lucky that you have such a good guy who would do anything for you," morgan said as you nodded, messing around with the necklace reid gave you on your third year anniversary.

"i know i do," you said. "but i don't want him to get so intense."

"i know, ____, and this will pass. you just have to give it a little bit of time. and you probably will have to give reid a good amount of time."

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