one hundred and twenty eight: different

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"reid, you never get angry with me," you told him as he shook his head, furrowing his brows in confusion as the two of you walked into the office together.

"what's your point?"

you smiled to yourself.

"maybe i want you to be a little more controlling sometimes," you said softly. "that's all i'm saying, spence."

he sighed, nodding.

"don't tell me that this is one of your weird behavioral study things," reid muttered as you shook your head, furrowing your brows in confusion before setting your stuff down at your desk and walking off to get coffee.

reid stood at your desk in total confusion as morgan walked up in order to talk to him. he took a sip of his coffee before speaking up and getting reid's focus off of what you just said.

"hey, you okay, kid?"

"what does it mean?"

"what does what mean?"

morgan looked at him in confusion as reid tried to make sense of what you were subtly hinting to but couldn't make much of anything.

"something _____ said to me," reid responded.

"which was?"

"she said she wanted me to get into more fights with her? at least that's what it sounded like she was implying," reid muttered.

"why would she- oh, i see."

reid looked over at him.


"kid, it's obvious. you know your ______. you know her likes and dislikes and the things she wants or needs in a relationship but if you two haven't slept together much, then this explains why you don't know what she's referencing."

reid shrugged.

"i mean, we sleep together a good bit," reid responded. "but i'm confused why she'd want me to be mean to her."

"does ____ have a history of dating guys with anger issues at all, kid?"

he nodded, taking a sip of his coffee.

"all of her ex boyfriends had anger issues," he muttered.

"then that's what she wants for, the so called sleeping reasons," morgan replied.

"she wants me to- oh, i understand," he muttered as you walked back over to where they were. you smiled over at morgan and set down your drink to finish pulling your hair back into a clipped back section.

reid smiled over at you, watching you do so as he learned down and pressed his lips to yours a little more harshly than you sally expected him to do which caused you to lean back a bit as you stumbled back some.

he let go, smiling down at you before leaving to go get some more coffee as you cleared your throat a little bit, letting go of your hair as you stared over at your boyfriend.

"so, you're attracted to toxicity," morgan muttered. "and anger issues. and also controlling."

you didn't look away from him.

"i am," you said back. "and reid is none of those. he has his moments for sure but, he's not any of those. spence is gentle, kind, respectful, sweet," you muttered.

"then what's up, _____?"

"i just love him i guess," you said. "or else i wouldn't be so attracted to the sweet side of him as much as i could dig out that bad side."

you turned around to face morgan finally.

"morgan, i get the bad side out of every person i date because i want that. i desire for that. i admire it. i yearn and long for it," you said. "but with spence, it's different."

morgan smiled at you as you looked back over at your boyfriend.

"it's just different."

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