sixty four: wrapped around his finger (part two)

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"we're leaving in about an hour," morgan said as he passed you packing up some information about the case into a box as reid came over. you nodded, looking over at reid as he stared down towards the table with a confused look on his face.

"what is it?" you asked him, still packing things up into a box.

"the teenager," he muttered as you smiled to yourself.

"are you still worried about that?" you asked.

he looked over at you shyly as you gave him a small smile back as you let out a small laugh at his actions before looking back at the box.

"my lady!" you heard quite loudly.

you didn't look up at first because you were busy finishing putting away the files as you looked over at reid.

"can you hand me that file?" you asked him as he stayed staring over at the direction of the voice. "spence?" you asked aloud before looking over at him.

"spence, what-"

"it's the teenager again," he responded softly as you looked over to where he was looking. "what is he doing?"

you felt reid's hand slowly move to where he was holding onto your arm before pulling it gently from the box and slipping his hand down into yours.

you looked over at him once more before looking back at the kid.

"my lady! my love!" he said as he made his way over to you. "i want you, i need you! i lost you once and i don't want to lose you again!"

you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as reid tightened his hold on your hand.

"how did you get in here?" you asked him as reid stared the kid down with a jealous, protective look in his eyes. you still had a hand in the case files as you stared at the kid in confusion.

"it's a public place," he responded as morgan looked over finally to see what was happening.

"hey, kid," he said as reid looked over at him along with the teen that had broken into the back area. "not you, reid. but you, kid."

he pointed to himself as reid tightened his hold a little more on your hand. you cleared your throat a little and instantly felt reid loosen the hold.

"you know i was kidding about dating her, right?"

the kid furrowed his brows.

"no? you were being serious, i swear," he responded.

morgan chuckled.

"look, if you think you can untangle her from him then be my guest- i would love to see you try. but as someone who knows them, i know one hundred percent your efforts will fail. especially considering the age gap here."

the kid frowned.

"but i love her."

"you barely know her," morgan said. "i mean, sure she protected you and let you know you were okay but the case is over now and we have lives to get back to."

the kid looked over at you.

"you're so damn beautiful," he said as he stared at you. reid tightened the grip on your hand a lot tighter than you expected as you let out a loud noise that sounded like a very brief groan and squeak put together.

he raised his brows in response to this action as reid smiled to himself, keeping you close as you held back onto his hand in slight shock.

"come on, kid, time to get you home."

the kid followed morgan reluctantly as you turned to face reid, watching him laughing some.

"what? i can't help it when-" he began but you shut him up as you pressed your lips to his. his hold on your hand loosened greatly as he soon moved it to be on your waist as he kept you close.

when you let go, you laid your head down on his chest.

"you'll forever have me wrapped around your finger, spence."

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