one hundred and eighty six: new relationship

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"what do i even tell her?" you asked garcia quietly as reid walked up, confused on the topic of the conversation. as he poured a cup of coffee for himself, he asked you.

you turned around to face him.

"my little sister wants to get a job here, but i know her, spence. she couldn't handle this," you admitted to him, taking a sip of your coffee as garcia glanced between you two.

your eyes were locked on his as he stirred his coffee before looking down to add stuff to it. your eyes were still locked on him and his every move.

"______, i night could help you. if we go to my computers, they could display it better," garcia said, catching your attention once more. you nodded, walking with her to her office before she shut the door behind you.

"i see you're interested," she said, chuckling at the end of her sentence. you cocked your head, confused by her statement and the context behind it.

"what're you talking about?"

she sighed, taking a seat as she spun around to face her computers.

"reid, dummy. you make it so obvious," she said.

"what? no i don't," you said, trying to defend yourself.

"ah, yes, because your very clear and consistent staring at him isn't obvious," she replied, beginning to type on her computer.

your eyes glanced towards the wall as you didn't say anything. garcia had you figured out the best, that's why she was your best friend in the bureau.

"is this why you brought me to your office?" you asked her as she nodded, turning around to face you.

"if you like him, why wouldn't you just tell him?"

you let out a sigh, looking away from her now constant stare.

"it's complicated," you muttered.

"does he not like you? or does he like somebody else? or does your sister like-" she began to ask the final question but you opened the door and walked away. you didn't want to hear the words spoken aloud.

you knew exactly why your sister was coming to bureau with no previous interest.

she wanted reid for herself.

that night, you were on the phone with your mom before you heard a knock at your apartment door. you kept your mom on the line as you answered, seeing reid as you opened the door before telling your mom you would call her back later.

"hey, spence," you said, giving him a smile as your eyes continued to stare up at him.

he smiled back at you.

"can i talk to you for a minute? i know i shouldn't just show up randomly at your apartment, but this can't wait."

you nodded, opening the door more as he walked inside. you shut the door, hearing the lock click in place as your heart pounded in your ears.

you turned to face him, both of you taking a seat on the couch.

"so," he began. your heart was beating quickly. "your sister came to the bureau today after you left. i assumed she came for you, so i asked her that. she said no."

you nodded, waiting for him to continue the story as you grabbed a blanket, offering him one but he declined as you snuggled up into your blanket out of nerves.

"she said she came there for me and then she proceeded to ask me out," he said, looking up at you finally to see your eyes intently on him. he smiled at you shyly, looking back down at his hands.

"i wrote this all down knowing that i would be too anxious to tell you, but i think i just need to do it," he said. you nodded slowly.

"i told her no. because i like somebody else. and that somebody else is you," he said, his eyes flickering back up to yours as you blushed heavily.

clearing your throat gently, you smiled at your blanket before responding.

"i'm so glad you said that, spence. because i also have something to get off my chest. i like you too," you told him, your eyes meeting his once more.

he laughed a little, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as you reached over and took his hand in yours.

"well, then," he said softly. "i guess this makes it official?" he asked. "i'm not really sure about how relationships work."

you laughed.

"me either, spence. we'll figure it out together."

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