seventy three: sister (part six)

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the next morning, spence woke up to see you digging around in the drawer of your desk. 

"______," he said softly as you still kept digging around in the drawer. "come on, sweetheart, you need to calm down a little bit. we'll talk to him later today."

you came back over to the bed, setting down every letter your sister had written to spence, every note she had tried to give you to give to him in her twisted mind, every little envelope with a card in it that expressed her feelings to reid in it, every paper she had started writing fantasies on. 

he sat up more as he looked at you going through the pile. 

"______," he said softly. 

you shook your head. 

"no, i need morgan to understand what is going on. i need him to," you told him as you dug through the pile and started gathering the biggest amounts of letters you could hold as you began to look around for his bag to put them in but reid let out a small sigh. 

"sweetheart, you're obsessed. i know that you want this to be over, but you also need to not lose your mind in it. i know that you're upset, i know that you're angry, and i know that you're ready for this to be over but you have got to slow down," he told you as you sighed, closing your eyes as you leaned forwards and onto reid's shoulder. 

"i can't keep doing this but i need morgan to understand," you told him as he nodded, reaching over and grabbing your hand in his. 

"he will, he will," he told you as you looked up at him. "we have to get to work, but sweetheart, you will be okay. morgan just needs someone to knock some sense into him so i suggest maybe talking to garcia because she has him all figured out and she's super close to him."

you nodded, observing his eyes before pressing a kiss to his lips briefly. 

"we should probably get to work," he said as you nodded, pressing another kiss to his lips before getting up and getting ready. you grabbed some of the letters, placing them in your bag before getting ready to leave. 

"garcia, i need a favor," you said as you walked into her office. she spun around in her chair with a smile as she replied. 

"anything, my sweetness," she said as you walked over to her, holding onto the letters. 

"garcia, you know morgan better than all of us probably and you can always talk to him about anything and get him to understand and listen," you began, holding tightly onto the letters in your hand. "look, reid suggested this and i think he's right in thinking that i should do this. but, garcia, could you get through to him please?"

"about dating your sister?" she asked, confused as to why you needed this. 

"she's in love with spence," you told her, handing the letters over to her. "these are all the letters that i brought over that she's written to him but i have more. i just need you to convince morgan about all of this because i can't. i've already tried." 

garcia nodded, reading over some of the letters. 

"oh, she is like, in love in love with him? like, the type of thing you feel?" she asked as she skimmed over the letters you had given her. you wiped somewhat of a forming tear away from your eye as you looked down towards your ring. "______, is everything okay?" she asked gently. 

"i'm just upset. i want him to realize that he can do much better than my sister and that my sister's heart wants someone else. it's like if i were to date someone to get back at my sister when she's dating the man i'm in love with. this has been hard, garcia. it's been so hard to handle."

"i will get this through to him, ______. i promise you that," she said as you nodded, walking out of the room as you shut the door behind you. 

later that night, you were home from the case as you sat on your couch wearing comfortable clothes and watching a television show while drinking a small glass of wine that you had found in your kitchen. a knock on the door interrupted your thoughts as you set down the wine glass and went to go open it and see who it was. 

"spence, hi," you said as you opened the door to see him standing there. you looked exhausted and upset from everything going on. it was clearly taking a toll on you. you had always wanted your sister to be happy and morgan to be happy but this was not how you wanted it to go. if your sister and morgan wanted to be together, you wanted it in terms of not her getting back at you for dating the man she loved a little too late. 

he stared down at you with a soft look in his eyes. 

"do you want to talk?" he asked gently as you nodded, opening the door as he walked inside to see you watching television with the fireplace going as well the glass of wine sitting on the coffee table. he turned back around to see you shutting and finishing locking up the door once more. 

"we can just go sit on the couch," you told him as you looked up at him briefly with a small, sad smile before walking back over to where you previously were sitting and took the seat once more. he also joined you after taking off his scarf and jacket and then sat down next to you. 

" ______," he began as you looked up at him before letting out a sigh and just going over and laying yourself against him. he embraced you, holding onto you tightly as you didn't seem to want to let go. "how did it go with garcia?" 

"she said she would talk to him but i'm not sure what happened," you muttered, pushing yourself further against him as he looked down at you.

"are you sure you're alright right now?" he asked sweetly. 

"i just love you a lot, spence," you said, pushing yourself further into the crook of his neck as you closed your eyes and held back onto him. "maybe garcia talked some sense into him."

he kissed the top of your head as he looked down at you, running his fingers through your hair. 

"i'm sure she did."

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