one hundred and eighty four: confused sickness

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author's note: y'all trust me- i have no clue why i have sudden inspiration for any reason whatsoever. i usually have about six cups of coffee a day (lmao not the best but whatever) and today, i have only had two. and i'm sick, so i should be more tired. AND i have work in less than seven hours and haven't slept yet (it's 4:13a as i'm typing this a/n). pray for me y'all lmao, but hope you guys are enjoying some updates!


you smiled to yourself, spinning around in your chair that was in garcia's office. you had not come on this trip, but you were so tempted to do so. hotch had tried to get you to come, but you had been feeling sick lately, so you stayed back. 

"hey, spence," you said as you answered your phone, taking a bite of the saltine crackers that jj had brought for you before she left. garcia was out getting some information and coffee as you stayed in her office with your feet up on her desk, off to the side without anything really on it except a few things you knew garcia cared about very little. 

"how you feeling?" he asked sweetly. 

"still nauseous, but it comes and goes. you know, spence, i have this weird gut feeling that it might be something, but i really don't think it is," you told him.

"what might that be?" he asked.

you let out a sigh, looking down to the floor as you took another cracker to eat.

"you know what, it's probably nothing. don't worry about it. it's fine," you told him.

"you sure? i can tell when you're hiding something," he replied. 

you nodded. 

"yeah, no, i'm all good, spence. i love you," you replied, taking a bite of the cracker. 

he smiled to himself.

"i love you, too. will you be joining us?" he asked.

you shrugged. "i might. depends on how i'm feeling."

when garcia came back to her office, you looked at her as you began to say something but shut yourself up right after.

"what is it?" she asked.

"i think i might be pregnant," you said softly, taking a bite of a cracker once more as garcia stopped typing and looked over at you. 


you sighed. 

"i don't know. i just, i started getting this weird sickness lately. and it doesn't feel like a normal stomach bug or anything. it feels different," you replied, leaning back in the chair.

"i say you go get a pregnancy test. you need to find out. and then, go find reid and let him know if you are," garcia said as you nodded. you stood up, walking out to go find one at a nearby store.

"so, if the unsub is trying to recreate a fantasy then she has- _______?" reid said in confusion as you walked into the other police department. "is everything okay?"

you beckoned him out of the room. 

"you know i've been feeling sick lately," you muttered as you dug in your bag. reid nodded, still looking down at you as he waited for what you were about to show him. you pulled out the pregnancy test, showing it to him as he felt his heart skip a beat.

"oh my God, you're serious?" he asked as you nodded, your eyes observing his. "you're not kidding?"

you shook your head.

"i'm pregnant, spence," you said softly, smiling up at him as he embraced you in a tight hug, keeping you close to him.

"i'm so excited, oh my gosh," he said, pressing a kiss to your temple. "i cannot wait. this is gonna be so exciting."

you smiled brightly, holding onto him tighter as you buried your head in the crook of his neck.

morgan came outside of the room in confusion.

"you guys okay?" he asked as you nodded, looking up at reid who nodded.

"i'm pregnant," you told him softly, putting a finger to your lips as morgan embraced you in a hug as well. 

"congratulations, pretty lady! and nice job, kid! you knocked her up!" morgan joked as you laughed, grabbing reid's hand in yours as you pulled him close to you. 

"you will both be the best parents," morgan said. "congratulations again, you two."

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