one hundred and sixty seven: it's a deal

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"do you have to leave?" you asked reid as he smiled down at you, letting out a small sigh as he reshouldered his bag. he needed to get back to his apartment, but he loved spending the nights over at yours.

"i do," he said softly. "i'll see you tomorrow though."

"spence," you groaned out, frowning as he leaned down and pressed a brief kiss to your lips before standing back up.

"but why? you always stay over here. and i want to cuddle and i'm tired," you told him softly as he sighed, looking off towards the side of your apartment.

"______, i need to get home. i haven't been home in weeks it feels like," he told you as you sighed. "tell you what," he began as you perked up. "if i go home tonight, i'll stay another two weeks with you."

you smiled up at him, wrapping your arms around him as you pulled him close to you.

"it's a deal, spence," you said back as he smiled to himself, holding you close.

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