one hundred and seventy one: missing you

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reid had come home late from the case that night. when he walked into his apartment, he saw you asleep on the couch, the television on, and a blanket beginning to fall off your body. he smiled at you sweetly before walking to his bedroom to change and to put away his bag and shoes. after changing, he came back out to see you had shifted and the blanket was now almost completly on the ground. 

he walked over to you, gently shaking you to wake you up and as you started to wake up, you noticed him sitting there. you smiled, sitting up and yawning slightly. 

"how was the case, spence?" you questioned, resting your head on your knees as you sleepily looked at him. your tired eyes searched his as he let out a sigh. you waited for a response from him, seeing him pick up the blanket that had fallen to the floor before answering.

"it was alright, caught the killer," he said as you smiled.

"you always do, babe," you replied. "oh, did i drop that?" 

he nodded, still holding it. 

"but to get it back from me, you'll have to come with me to bed," he shrugged, standing up as you groaned out of lack of sleep. you turned to look at him as he winked and went into the bedroom with the blanket you wanted. when you finally encouraged yourself, you got up and went to the bedroom doorway. 

you saw him sitting under the blankets, holding the one blanket you wanted, and his eyes urged you to come over to him. you shook your head, giving him a small smile. 

"spence, why do you like to do this?" you asked.

"because you're weird and like sleeping on the couch when there is a perfectly good bed in here with a perfectly fine guy that you tend to like to cuddle with," he responded with no hesitation as your cheeks got a light dusting of blush tinted onto them.

"spence," you groaned out, looking off to the side of the room as he cleared his throat to bring your eyes back onto his. 

"come here," he said, seeing you considering it. "you know you want to. you haven't seen me in three days."

you nodded, glancing over at the comfortable couch he owned before finally giving in and walking over to the bed. you climbed onto the bed, resting yourself on his legs as you stared into his eyes. 

"you got me, spence. what now?" you asked, your legs on either side of his. 

"you can have your blanket back or you can have me for the night," he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek as you smiled. you wanted the blanket, but you missed reid. it had been three days since you had been able to be with him physically, so you wanted him badly. 

"i want you," you told him softly, smiling at him as he pressed a kiss to your nose in response.

"correct answer," he muttered, pressing his lips to yours now briefly before letting go. you felt like you were living in a dream and most of the time, he made you feel like this even when you were not half asleep. 

"you're so cute, spence. it's like you get cuter every time you get back from a case," you told him as he laughed a little, pulling you closer to him. 

"i'm still the same," he told you. you shook your head, resting it in the crook of his neck.

"you're cuter, spence," you told him. 

"you know, that could be because you haven't seen me in so long that your mind starts to forget how i look slightly. some features might be altered and therefore, it makes it seem like i'm cuter to you whenever i get back from a case rather than on a regular basis because you haven't seen me in so long," he explained the science behind it as you let out a sigh.

"i love you so much, babe, i really do. but i am also really tired," you muttered, closing your eyes as you rest your head on his shoulder. 

he nodded, laying down and bringing you with him. 

"then let's go to sleep, doll," he said quietly, pressing a kiss to your head and cheek before holding you close. "because i sure as hell missed you."

you smiled to yourself. 

"i missed you too, spence." 

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