one hundred and eighty nine: spotaneous announcement

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"spence, are you sure you want me to come?" you asked over the phone, standing in your apartment as you rest your hand on your stomach. 

"______, it will be okay. nobody has even noticed," he said, trying to ease your mind.

"but you saw me last night," you muttered. "i'm showing more than i was four months ago," you said back in response as reid let out a small sigh.

"garcia has asked where you are, sweetheart. it will be okay," he replied. you looked down at the slightly more obvious baby bump. "i know you're looking at her, but you have to come. i do not want garcia to continue asking me about where you are."

you nodded. 

"okay, spence. i'm on my way."

when you got to the bau building, you took a deep breath before making your way inside and up  the elevator. you got to the correct floor, stepping out and walking inside the building. you had your hand on your small bump all the way up until you entered the main room. your eyes found your desk as you brought your stuff over to the desk. you set your stuff down, running a hand messily through your hair as you resisted the urge to place your hand on your stomach.

you took a seat down in your chair, resting your head in your hand as you closed your eyes. 

"________," you heard your boyfriend say as you stood up quickly and reached out to him. "hey, hey, be careful. it's alright," he said, taking you in his arms closely.

"i'm so anxious," you said softly to him as he held you close.

"why?" he questioned. "i thought pregnancy was a good thing."

you nodded. "it is, i just," you paused for a moment. "it's my first pregnancy, spence."

he nodded, keeping you close as he heard your shaky breaths. 

"_______, babe, you will be okay. i am here for you, i always will be. i'm not going anywhere," he replied, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of your head. "but can we please tell them?" he asked.

you leaned back to look at him before looking down at your bump. you rest your hand slyly on it before making eye contact with reid once more. 

"okay," you muttered softly. "okay."

reid smiled at you, gently placing his hand on your bump as you looked up at him. your eyes observed his smile as he observed your small bump.

"are you excited?" you asked.

he nodded.

"i could not be more enthusiastic about having a baby with you," he replied, looking up to see you looking at him. 

"she's going to be so loved, isn't she?" you asked softly as he nodded.

"of course she is. and spoiled rotten, i'll tell you that," he said as you laughed. 

"just not too much, spence. she needs to be tough," you said softly before taking in a deep inhale and then proceeding to exhale. "okay, let's go tell the team."

he nodded, walking in slighty behind you as you both made your way into the bau conference room. 

when you two entered the room, you stayed over near where reid was. you and him were talking softly about the pregnancy, trying to make sure that nobody would hear you two. when garcia walked in with jj, you two took notice of them briefly before turning back to your conversation.

"hey, _______! you're here!" garcia said as you smiled over at her. 

"finally rolled out of bed," you replied, glancing over at spence as the rest of the team came into the room. he nodded, noting to you that it was okay and you were safe.

"good of you to show up, _______," morgan joked as you laughed a little, sitting down as you responded.

"yeah, we had to force ourselves out of the bed today," you muttered.


your eyebrows furrowed in confusion before realizing what you said. reid had arrived earlier than you, so there was no covering up the confession. you weren't trying to expose your secret right now, but it just happened to slip out. i guess with all the pregnancy talk the last week, your mind made it normal to mention you and your baby girl as 'we' in conversation.

everybody's eyes were on you now as you glanced over at reid.

you stood up, walking over to the front of the room where the board was located.

"so," you muttered. "i didn't really want to announce it like this or even right now," you muttered, resting your hand on your stomach as your eyes met reid's. garcia gasped as she stood up slowly, jj and prentiss following you.

"oh my gosh, are you-?" garcia asked as you nodded.

"i'm pregnant," you said sweetly, your hand resting on your small bump. 

"oh my gosh! congratulations!" jj said, coming over and hugging you after garcia did. prentiss was quick to follow before rossi came over. 

"so, you finally knocked her up," morgan commented to reid as he cleared his throat and adjusted his tie. you made eye contact with him before walking over to see him. you intertwined your hand with his as he kept you close.

"do you know the gender yet?" prentiss asked as you nodded.

"we're having a girl," you told them with a smile as you kept your free hand on your bump.

reid pulled you closer to him as the team smiled at you.

"congratulations, you two," hotch said, giving you a smile. "but we do have a case."

you nodded, returning a smile to him before sitting down and resting your hand on your bump while jj presented the case. 

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