four: hadn't met

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"spence?" you asked as the two of you sat on the jet on the way back home from the most recent case you and the team had solved.

"yeah?" he asked, pausing his reading.

"what do you think it would be like between us now if we hadn't decided to start dating two years ago?" you asked as he sighed.

"i wouldn't be the same, for sure," he replied. "i'm not really sure. why?"

you let out a small sigh.

"i'm just curious," you muttered.

reid cocked his head, knowing that there was more to the story than what you were providing.

"______," he said softly.

"i just want to thank you so much for deciding to ask me out two years ago because my life would be so, so different. you know that at the time i was dealing with drug addiction, some alcohol abuse, and trust issues with everyone. then, you came into my life and you changed everything for me. i love you, spence. i really do," you told him as he gave you the sweetest smile you have ever seen on a guy.

"______, i love you too," he replied as you smiled, sitting back in your seat as you slowly closed your eyes and let sleep overtake you.

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