sixty one: wrapped around his finger

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"you're safe now," you said to the teenage boy who looked at you as he held onto you tightly. "he can't hurt you now."

reid was busy putting the handcuffs on the man as you stared over at him, the adoration filling your eyes as you watched your boyfriend just simply do a part of his job that you rarely saw him do.

the teenage boy looked over at who you were looking at to see reid as he observed him up and down.

as the team was gathering everyone and putting the family back together, you were off standing with reid as you two talked about the case. you were fully engaged in the conversation and had made sure the boy was okay before leaving to go talk to your boyfriend.

the teenage boy continued to stare over at you, watching your every move.

"intrigued by ______, huh?" morgan asked the boy.

he turned to fade morgan as he nodded a little.

"well, if you want to date her, i can give you a tip," morgan said as the boy turned slightly more eager and looked over at him.

"you have to get her to stop being so wrapped around reid's finger," morgan told him truthfully. "that's the only way to get her to date you. because she and reid are tight as hell and he's got her wrapped around his finger entirely and completely."

the boy huffed a little as morgan chuckled.

"don't be so hard on yourself," he said. "we're all surprised that the kid got to date her. the amount of bachelors in the world like you and she chooses him?"

"it's crazy," he muttered as morgan nodded, urging him on playfully but the teenager was taking it seriously. "why should she date someone like that twig-"

"okay, hey," morgan said, stepping up a little. "he's not a twig. he's more of a stick."

"fine, a stick. either way, that stick man has my lady all wrapped around his finger and i want her back!" the teenage boy yelled as he started walking up to you. morgan couldn't help but laugh as you turned away from your conversation with reid to look at him.

"stick man! give me back my girl!" the teen yelled as you raised your eyebrows, slowly intertwining your hand into reid's.

"excuse me?" reid asked nicely, because that's all he could seem to be. unless something was about to completely go down, reid was the sweetest man you knew and loved and adored.

"my lady," he said, pointing to you. "that agent over there said that the way to get her to leave you was to get her unwrapped from your finger. how do i do that?"

you looked over at morgan in a somewhat annoyed look as reid tightened his hold on your hand. you didn't feel the need to leave reid's side nor did you feel like it but you two would catch up with him later.

"well, scientifically speaking, because of the intense amount of dopamine and norepinephrine being released throughout ______'s mind and body, it's causing her to completely stay in love which in turn can make it a little more difficult for her to eat or sleep which in turn fuels the feeling of being 'wrapped around my finger' as many of you call it," reid explained as you smiled to yourself.

the teen looked between the two of you.

"what does that even mean?" he asked.

"it means that spence and i will be going now," you told him as you pushed reid to walk to where morgan was. he did so, feeling you walking beside him soon enough.

"is it true?" he asked you.

"what?" you asked.

"that you're wrapped around my finger? is that true?" he asked as you nodded without hesitation.

"i am completely and utterly in love with you, spence. i would do anything for you," you told him sweetly with a smile as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head as you both approached morgan.

"what the hell was that about?" you asked him.

"just having some fun," he muttered, laughing afterwards.

"well," you responded. "good luck trying to steal me away from spence here because you are right. i'm totally wrapped around his finger."

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