fifty six: can't help it

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"someone's got a little extra pep in their step," morgan commented as you walked over to the coffee nook area. you nodded, turning to face him as you let out a soft smile.

"garcia got me hooked on this new drink she had over the weekend and my god, it's so good!" you exclaimed.

"and apparently caffeinated," morgan chuckled, taking a sip of the warm coffee in his mug.

"oh, yeah," you replied. "it's useful mainly for when i don't get a lot of sleep the night before. so, it's working wonders right now."

"late night?" he asked.

"spence made me watch a whole documentary about the world's most famous serial killers that was about four and a half hours long so i guess you could say so."

morgan laughed a little, seeing reid walk in with excitement as soon as he saw you.

"here he is now," morgan said, seeing you smile a little wider and a small sparkle illuminate in your eyes.

"good morning, spence," you said as he came over to you, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head as he smiled down at you.

"did garcia get you on that drink she's been having lately?" he asked as you nodded.

"well, i mean, the excitement of that four and a half hour long documentary about serial killers definitely didn't have anything to do with my lack of sleep," you muttered, looking up at him. "i mean, it's not like i needed the sleep anyways."

"what are you talking about? you didn't even watch it fully!" he said with a laugh. "you fell asleep on me halfway through."

you furrowed your brows a little, suddenly remembering as you nodded.

"you're comfortable," you told him, taking a sip of your coffee. "i can't help but fall asleep when i feel safe and when i tell you that you make me feel safe- i'm not lying. you're comfortable, warm, make me feel safe, and you're my favorite person in this entire-"

reid couldn't handle it anymore, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours. you smiled, blushing heavily.

"you're too adorable," he said softly as he let go. "sometimes i can't help myself."

you smiled shyly, leaning your head onto his chest as you looked down to the ground.

he was right.

you both couldn't help yourself.

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