one hundred and forty eight: flashback stalker

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"you know her better than anyone, reid, and you can't tell us where she is?" morgan asked, his tone becoming angry unintentionally. reid looked over at him in slight disbelief.

"it's not like i was informed about her whereabouts, morgan! she's a federal agent- and the unsub who took her knows that! he isn't just going to give it to us in a simple way," he said, taking a seat as he put his head in his hands.

j.j. kept morgan back as she walked over to where reid was sitting.

"spence," she said softly as he looked up at her. "you know where she could be. you memorize everything- even the little clues or details. everything is in your mind and you know what the next step is."

prentiss nodded, squatting to be closer to him.

"reid, what is the last thing you remember before she was taken?" she asked.

he let out a shaky sigh, thinking back to what had happened between the two of you.

"i brought her back to her apartment," he began.

"after that case, i could use a drink or two," you said. "or six."

reid chuckled, letting out a sigh as he looked down at you as you unlocked the door. when you turned around, you looked up at him with a smile.

"what?" you asked, blushing some.

"nothing, you're just really pretty," he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you sighed, leaning in towards his touch. he smiled to himself, pulling you close to him as his arm wrapped around your waist.

"can you stay the night?" you asked.

he sighed, shaking his head.

"i need to get home before the next case," he muttered, looking down at you as you leaned back a little to look up at him. "but i'll see you tomorrow."

you sighed, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"see you tomorrow, spence," you told him before walking inside and closing the door gently.

"oh my god," he said as prentiss furrowed her brows. "this is my fault. i left her there for him to just take her. she would still be here if i had just gone-"

j.j. shook her head, placing a hand gently on his shoulder.

"this isn't your fault," she said.

he stood up.

"then whose is it! none of you guys were there to stop him! i was there! i could have done something!" he yelled as he walked out of the room. morgan and the women followed him out of the room.

"reid, where are you going?" he asked.

"i'm going to find my girlfriend," he said back. "i won't lose her."

"we can finally be together," he said as you tried to move your arms and legs, but you were strapped down to a chair. you rolled your head around to look at the guy. "it took so long, but you're here. i can't let you go."

you closed your eyes once more.

"who are you?" you asked softly.

"i'm your lover, of course," he said with a smile as his finger gently stroked your cheek. you opened your eyes as you tried to keep yourself from tensing up.

"when did i meet you?" you asked, trying to keep yourself calm, but the slight shake in your voice did not go unnoticed and the unsub capitalized on that.

"why are you scared, honey?" he asked gently, pulling a knife out as he kept it visible for you. you were acutely aware that he would have a weapon on him, but you were expecting something more long range rather than close.

"i just don't like the room i'm in," you told him.

"i made this room for you," he said as you nodded.

"i know, it's not that. it's the temperature, or that there aren't any windows. i'm not sure, something feels off," you told him quickly.

the unsub sighed, pressing a kiss to your cheek before standing up and walking to the door.

"i knew you'd understand," he said, closing the door behind him as you heard it lock. when you felt like the coast was clear, you begin to cry. you couldn't help it.

you were taken.

he had kissed you.

even though it was just on the cheek, he still had kissed you.

you were praying reid knew where to look. he was the only hope you were holding onto.

"did she ever tell you about being stalked or feeling unsafe?" morgan asked reid as he tried to think over everything you've ever said to him in your two years of dating.

"i'm not sure," you muttered. "but i'm scared. the letter was delivered to my door, not just my building. which means that he knows where i live," you told him.

"do you have security cameras?" he asked.

"yes, but we'd have to go ask the lobby manager if we can see them and if it was on tuesday or saturday, the maintenance guy was there so he had the cameras off," you said. "spence, what is he gonna do to me?"

"nothing. i won't let anything happen to you."

"morgan, i promised her that i wouldn't let anything happen to her. i must be some pretty lousy protection," he muttered.

"reid, focus on the memory. focus on what she said to you and tell us the details."

he nodded.

"okay, okay, um, she said that if the note was delivered on tuesday or saturday, the cameras wouldn't be working because the maintenance guy was there. i'm pretty sure we went for sushi that day, which is our monday date night every two weeks."

morgan nodded, going through it.

"so, the note was possibly delivered on sunday because she stayed over after the case on sunday night and we went to work monday before she got home the next day with me at her apartment."

"did you read the note?" morgan questioned as prentiss and j.j. wrote down the information still.

reid nodded, beginning to read it from memory.

"the sushi dates will soon be ours. we will conquer through all the doubt that has been put against us and you will have the all you could ever want buffet for a guy. soon we will be together in the place that we came together."

he turned around as he looked at morgan.

"i know where she is," he said.

there were some loud bangs coming from outside the locked door as you tensed up in the chair, feeling the wire pressing into the top of your arms.

the door was shoved open as you saw morgan rushing in to get you while rossi held back the guy who had abducted you. he took the wire, cutting it and undoing it the best he could before taking you in his arms to help you outside.

"where is he?" you asked.

you didn't even get an answer before he engulfed you in a tight hug.

"i'm so sorry i wasn't there that night," he said as you shook your head.

"don't blame yourself. we didn't know he was going to try anything this soon. it's okay, spence," you told him softly before he took you over to the medics to be taken care of.

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