one hundred and eighty three: newly weds

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"i don't understand. so, it's not a male unsub who is angry that he is not able to get a wife but it's a woman who is angry about not being able to have a dream wedding?" rossi asked as you shook your head.

"i think it's more about the fact that the unsub cannot have somebody that she loves," you replied, looking over at the evidence board. "if you look at it, all these women were brides to be. maybe the unsub wants to be this same person- in love and marrying somebody."

reid nodded, looking over at your ring finger to see the wedding ring you wore. it was your grandmother's ring that you had always loved and adored. reid had managed to convince your mom to let him propose with a regular one and use your grandmother's ring as the wedding ring.

"______ makes a lot of sense. considering how much she despises these bride-to-bes, she most likely works in the industry. bridal shops, florists, caterers, venues," he rambled off as you nodded. "there are so many things you have to do in preparation for a wedding, so imagine the hatred this woman feels when she sees all these women living out her dream with their loves." 

morgan furrowed his brows as the rest took it into account, listening, absorbing, and then furthermore, going out to interview different shops. morgan stayed back with you and reid as you were both trying to figure out any other shops she could work at or frequent.

"so, lovebirds, when did the whole marriage thing happen? because we all thought you were still engaged," morgan said, noting the ring on your finger. you smiled over at reid, pressing a kiss to his cheek before walking off.

"we got married a few days ago," he replied. "but because of the nature of our job, we haven't been able to take a honeymoon yet."

"i'm sure that if you informed hotch of your newly wed wife, i'm sure that he would grant you two a week off," he replied, watching as reid smiled over at you while you talked with rossi about a possible job location that the woman could work at. 

"to be honest, morgan, _______ doesn't even know where she wants to go yet. that's why we haven't really said anything yet. we want to know where we're going before we have the time off," he replied, looking back over at morgan who smiled at him.

"well, i'm happy for you both either way. congratulations, kid. you better not let that woman go," he said as reid smiled widely. 

"i would never."

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