one hundred and sixty eight: burdens

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author's note: this was requested by a reader!

waking up in a panic at night was something you had managed to conceal from your boyfriend for what seemed like forever when in reality- it had been three weeks of these horrific scenes replaying in your head with the same outcome every single time. you looked over at him sleeping peacefully next to you as you quietly got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. 

sighing, you looked out the window and got a cup of water as you tried to keep yourself quiet. you did not want to tell reid what the truth was that was occuring. he deserved better than that. 

"______?" you heard reid ask from behind you, causing you to jump a little and turn around. he took a note of this before continuing. "you okay? i heard you leave," he muttered, crossing his arms as he ran a hand through his hair sleepily.

you smiled over at him, setting down the cup of water as you walked over to him. you pressed a kiss to his cheek before walking past him and back towards the bedroom. you didn't want to tell him. you couldn't do that to him.

when you got to work the next day, you found morgan as you walked towards his office to talk about what was going on. you told morgan everything about what was going on internally, just not reid. you did not want to hurt your boyfriend like that. 

"i had another one,"  you muttered to him as he shut the door gently behind you. "it was the same one of me running away from him, but i can't escape it and i don't know how-" you rambled but morgan placed a hand on your shoulder. 

"hey, hey," he said as you looked up at him and gently wiped your eyes. "why aren't you going to reid with this? you're in such distress that i can't even help you. the only person who can help you now is reid." 

you shook your head, walking over to one of the chairs in his office as you sat down. 

"no, i can't. i can't put this burden on him," you muttered. "i would never forgive myself if i did that."

morgan came over and sat down next to you, resting his hand on your shoulder as you wiped your tears still. he let out a small sigh before beginning to explain his thoughts aloud to you.

"______, i know you don't want to. i know you don't," he said gingerly. "but, ______, as your friend- i've done all that i can. reid knows you better than anyone else here and he knows how to fix this type of situation. you know why?" 

you shook your head, waiting for his response.

"because he loves you." 

"do you know if something is going on with _______?" reid asked morgan as they were out walking to a crime scene. morgan glanced over at him and saw reid was looking at him very intently- keen on knowing.

"why are you asking me?" he questioned, waiting to see what all reid knew.

"because i'm not an idiot, morgan. i see her go to your office every single day we're at work and she always comes out looking like she's been crying," he said as morgan stopped walking which caused reid to stop walking as well. "are you saying something to her? are you doing something to her?" he questioned. 

"hell, no, reid! i'm not saying or doing anything to her! i'm trying to help her," he said. "because she won't come to you." 

he furrowed his brows, looking off to the side. 

"what did she say?" he asked. 

"you need to talk to her, reid. and if she tries to shut you down, you need to tell her it's okay. she's worried about you," he said as reid looked back over at him. 

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