twenty six: interrupted reading

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"he's just sitting there," garcia said to prentiss as the two of them sat at prentiss' desk together. she nodded, looking over at reid who was intently reading a book you had given him last week from your mom's library. "what is he even reading?"

"maybe it's-" prentiss began but stopped when she saw you walking over towards your desk with some papers in hand as you looked over them. "maybe _____ can get him out of the zone that he's in."

"why would we want to do that?" garcia asked.

prentiss shrugged. "he times us when we read so i think we should flip the tables on him."

"but if _____ interrupts him, won't that mess it up?" she asked as prentiss shook her head.

"reid could read for days on end, i bet," she said. "so honestly this is the fair thing."

garcia chuckled as prentiss got up to go talk to you as garcia followed.

"hey, _____," she said as you looked up at her.

"yeah?" you asked.

"could you get reid for us?" she asked.

you furrowed your brows in slight confusion with a small smile. "just go get him. he's not doing anything- oh, nevermind," you said as you saw what he was reading.

"he's been absorbed into the book for at least ten minutes," prentiss said as you let out a sigh.

"why did you need him?" you asked, looking at him before you looked back towards prentiss and garcia.

"uh, no reason," she said. "not anything super specific but we have a question," she lied as you cocked your head.

"could i answer it?" you asked.

"no, just a reid question," she said as she nudged you towards your boyfriend of three years. you chuckled, smiling to yourself as you walked over to him and stood up beside him, resting your chin on his head as you looked down at the book he was reading.

"hey, that's the book i got you!" you said in excitement as the giddiness took over. all thoughts of prentiss and garcia's request had washed out of your mind as you just wanted to focus on talking with your boyfriend right now.

reid nodded. "yeah, of course. i had to read it. you see, it's talking about the aftermaths of some of the most infamous serial killers and how they initially got caught or who they thought the suspects were because they had to include more than just MO in a book and-" he paused. "sorry, i'm rambling again."

you moved your head to be resting on his shoulder as you kept your arms wrapped around his shoulders.

"it's okay, spence," you told him sweetly as he finished reading the last page before shutting the book.

"and i'm done," he said, leaning back and looking over at you. "you're so pretty, ______."

you blushed, looking at him before looking away.

"you're too sweet, spence," you told him, pressing a kiss to his cheek before he began to stand up so you let go of him. he looked back down at you after he stood up and handed you the book.

"can you get me another one possibly? that one said it was a part of trilogy so maybe-" he began, ending the sentence a little awkwardly as you nodded.

"yeah, i'm sure my mom has all three," you replied, taking it back in your hands as you observed it. reid briefly furrowed his brows, glancing between you and the book.

"everything okay?" he asked.

you nodded, looking back up at him.

"no, yeah, everything is fine," you responded. you grabbed his hand in yours as you held the book with your other hand. "i just love you, that's all."

he leaned down, pressing a kiss to your cheek as you blushed, leaning in towards it as he chuckled.

"you're so needy," he said softly as you nodded, enjoying being so close to him.

"i'm needy for you, spence, and no one else," you told him. "because i love you and only you."

he smiled, pulling you in for a hug as he held you close.

"i love you too," he replied. "what are prentiss and garcia doing?" he asked as you nodded, suddenly remembering what you were doing.

"oh! they were timing you," you told him.

"that's so strange," he said with a slight furrow in his brows. you smiled over at them, shaking your head in a joking manner.

"i guess some people just don't get what you do, spence," you told him truthfully as the two of you watched them converse about the whole situation while you stayed close to reid.

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