one hundred and ninety two: surprise

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it was a late tuesday night at the office and you had to stay later than everybody. your boss had gone home twenty minutes earlier, leaving you alone. you were freaked out by your old building that you had to work in with just a couple emergency lights on, along with your computer.

you picked up your phone, dialing reid.

"hey, can you come see me? my work kept me late and this building freaks me out."

when reid got to the building, you walked outside to meet him as you gave him a smile. he opened his arms for you and you didn't hesitate to push yourself into them. you closed your eyes, staying close to him.

"i'm so glad to see you," you told him softly as he smiled, keeping you close to him. 

"i'm happy to see you too, sweetheart," he replied back gently.

you had both managed to finish up the last of your files to complete and now you were heading out of the building and towards his car. you took the bus in the morning so that you wouldn't have to worry about leaving your car at work in case you needed to get picked up or something.

when you got into reid's car, you took a minute to breath in and close your eyes- trying to relax. 

when he got in afterwards, he started the car as you spoke up.

"do you want kids, spence?" you asked him softly, opening your eyes to look over at him.

he stopped after the car started, leaning back in his seat as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"i'm not sure. i've never thought about it," he responded. "why?"

you smiled at him before turning to look out the window.

"no reason," you replied.

he sat there in silence for a moment, not driving or turning on music or anything. you got concerned, turning your head to look over at him.

"what?" you asked in confusion when you saw him looking at you with a concerned look in his eyes.

"are you pregnant?" he asked.

you sat up, clearing your throat a little before speaking once more.

"i took a test a few days ago, but i put it behind me because it just didn't seem correct or real. but, long story short," you muttered, looking down towards your shoes. "i am, spence."

this took him by surprise as he looked out of the main window in the front of the car. he had come up here to pick you up, provide you some company, and be able to spend more time with you. sure, you two had been dating a couple years now- it wasn't the time that worried him. it was the fact that you were now pregnant and he was not prepared for a child.

"i know it's coming out of left field, spence. and i'm sorry i didn't tell you earlier, but you have to understand that i was also in shock finding out that i'm pregnant. i mean, i'm growing a child inside of my body right now and i do not know how to handle this," you began rambling, a habit you got from dating reid for a while. he always rambled when his nerves were spiked- and you were doing the exact same thing now.

he nodded, still staring out the window.

"should i call garcia to pick me up?" you asked him softly. "if you need time to process, i can leave."

he shook his head, looking over at you.

"no, i don't want you to leave. i'm more so in shock because i'm not ready for a child right now," he responded, seeing you nod. "i'm sorry, ______. i screwed us both over."

you let out a sigh, your eyes observing your pants before you spoke again.

"spence, maybe this doesn't have to be a bad thing. i know we aren't ready for children right now, but who knows. maybe this could be the best thing to ever happen to us," you told him softly. 

he nodded, reaching over blindly and grabbing your hand in his. 

"i'm still sorry," he said softly.

you smiled at him, your eyes wanting desperately for his to meet yours.

"spence, please look at me," you asked gently. 

he didn't move for a moment before finally meeting your eyes. you gave him a little smile, putting your other hand on top of his that was holding your hand. 

"it's going to be okay," you told him. "we can handle this. we also have jj, who has had two kids now. she understands and she can help us with navigating."

he nodded, continuing to look at you.

"i just need you to remember throughout all of this that i love you," you said gingerly, your eyes admiring him. "and as long as you're okay, i will be able to be okay."

he gave you a small smile, tightening his hold on your hand before responding once more.

"i promise to you, ______,  that i will be the best encourager that i can be." 

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