ten: sex tie

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"you should wear my tie," reid said to you as the two of you walked up to the main coffee area of the building's floor you were on.

"what?" you asked him, taking a sip of your coffee.

"you should wear my tie," he repeated as you cocked your head in slight confusion. "in bed."

you nearly choked on your coffee as you set down the cup, looking down towards your feet as reid chuckled softly, moving closer to you as he grabbed your hand in his while he faced towards the counter to stir his coffee while you were leaning against it on your back.

"as long as it's the navy blue one with the stripes on it," you muttered softly as reid looked up at you.

"you've thought about this?" he asked as you smiled to yourself.

"yeah, sometimes," you responded. "i mean, you let me wear your shirts so i've always thought about taking one of your ties but i'm glad you suggested it."

reid chuckled which caused you to smile.

"i just didn't know you wanted to use it for sex," you muttered as he laughed, catching the attention of morgan.

"what's up with you two?" he asked, coming over to where the two of you were as he took a sip of his coffee. reid turned around as you noticed he was wearing the tie you wanted.

"_____?" morgan asked as you kept staring at it.

"spence, you really know me too well," you said as he smiled to himself while you reached up to fix it even though it didn't need fixing.

morgan glanced between the two of you.

"i'm telling you that i've never seen so much sexual tension going between two people before," he said before hearing j.j. calling everyone to gather in the conference room.

you smiled up at reid, your hands still messing with his tie.

"you both heard we have to go, right?" morgan said.

you nodded, pressing a kiss to his lips briefly before letting go of the tie and then proceeding to walk after morgan to the conference room as reid followed you, grabbing your hand in his as he walked right beside you.

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