thirty seven: fondness

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"you can tell me! you can always trust me with anything!" garcia said quite loudly as you continued to walk away from her and towards your desk where you set down the vanilla colored case files.

"garcia," you said as you turned to face her. "i love you and all, but you have got to let me be."

she shook her head.

"not until i know who the mystery man is who has your heart! i mean, you literally have this look in your eyes every single day that i see you and you've been so bubbly," she recalled as you nodded.

"maybe i just want to keep it to myself because i know what would happen between us," you mentioned, looking back down towards the case files as you searched through them for the one j.j. wanted.

"fine," she said as she spun on her heel and went back to her office as you let out a sigh of relief, continuing to search for the file before finding it.

you grabbed the other seven for the rest of the team members as you walked to her office and knocked on the door before she allowed you to open it fully.

"here's the case files," you said as you handed it to her. she smiled, thanking you before asking you to call the team together. you did so, watching as they all got up and began walking over to the room.

you took a seat in your chair as you let out a sigh, hearing the rest of the team come in as reid took a seat in a chair about a seat away from yours as prentiss sat in between you two.

when everyone had finally gathered, garcia came running in as she suddenly announced, quite loudly, your secret.

"oh my god! you're dating reid!"

everyone grew silent as you felt the heat rush to your face as you looked over at her with panicked eyes. reid stood up, walking over to her as he nodded awkwardly.

"how did you-?"

"i'm a hacker, genius," she replied to him as you sunk down slightly in your seat while trying to avoid eye contact.

"j.j., you owe me five dollars," prentiss said with a smile and slight laugh as you looked over at her.

"did you guys seriously bet on my love life?" you asked as they both nodded while j.j. passed over the five dollar bill.

"look, _____, no woman has ever looked that happy in my life before. i've seen a lot of people, too. the fact that you've been so joyful and fond of someone so it literally told us all something was up," prentiss explained. "i mean, i've never seen a woman act so in love with a person before so of course we all had to figure it out!"

"so, basically," j.j. said as she added on. "we were observing behavior one day and noticed spence was contributing about the same amount of fondness towards someone like you had been showing off the last few weeks and well, we put two and two together."

"actually," garcia rebutted. "j.j. thought you had a thing with morgan."

you raised your eyebrows before feeling reid's hands sliding down your shoulders lightly as you grabbed onto them.

"look, we didn't want to tell anyone because it would be weird if it hadn't worked out. then, it was just nice keeping it to ourselves," you announced. "but since garcia hacked into my phone, i guess we were outed in a way."

garcia smiled.

"you are ever so welcome."

you sighed, giving her a small smile before hearing hotch ask to start the case and reid pressing a kiss to your blushing cheeks already before he went and sat down.

prentiss looked over at you along with the rest of the women.

"see," she said. "the fondness."

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