one hundred and two: bad dreams

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you woke up from a nightmare you were having as you looked over to see reid not laying in bed next to you anymore. you were having cold sweats and all you wanted was him.

you got out of the bed, checking the time to see it was four thirty five in the morning. you walked into the main part of his apartment as you saw him laying on the couch, having fallen asleep reading a book.

you grabbed a blanket, going over to the couch, and proceeding to lay down on him as you tightened your grip on him. reid was ever so slightly awake.

"what happened? you're breathing weirdly again," he said in an almost asleep state.

"i had a bad dream," you said softly. "i just want you."

he nodded, keeping his eyes closed as he tightened his hold around you, keeping you close to him as you let out a comforted sigh.

"i love you, spence," you said.

he sighed, tightening his hold once more. "i love you, too, sweetheart. just know that i'm here and you're gonna be alright. if anything else happens, just know you can cuddle yourself into me and i'll make sure you're okay."

you smiled to yourself.

"i love you so much, spence."

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