one hundred and sixty six: snapped

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"God, reid, why are you shutting me out of all people? i've helped you through everything you've gone through. what is your issue?" you asked as he stared down at you while at the bau. you two never fought at work because it never needed to occur in a professional setting. 

however, reid was adament that he would ignore the argument and worry about the issue later. you would have felt the same as well, but he had been acting weird for about two weeks now and you had to know.

"spence," you said, trying to raise your voice a little considering that he was so much taller than you. he didn't want to look at you, avoiding your constant staring. "spence."

"what is it, ______. why can't you just understand that you can't always help me. get that through your mind," he muttered before walking away as you felt your heart breaking. you had never heard his words be filled with cruelty and malice towards you before in the three years of dating him.

you didn't want to show that you were hurt, but you couldn't help it when a little bit slipped through. you wiped your eyes as prentiss walked over to you. 

"hey, _____, did you find out anything on the last- what's wrong?" she asked as you nodded.

"yeah, no, i'm fine. what were you asking?"

when you got home that night, you heard a few knocks on your door as you sighed, running your fingers through your hair you had just taken out of the ponytail. walking over to the door, you opened it and saw reid standing there. 

"what do you want," you muttered, not looking at him and instead walking into your apartment further. reid stepped inside, closing the door behind him as he began to call your name in the sweet, honey like tone that you knew him to possess.

"please look at me, baby, i'm sorry," he said gently as you shook your head. you kept ignoring him as you walked to your kitchen to get a cup of tea started. he followed you in there as he kept trying. 

"_______," he said softly. "baby, look at me. please."

"no, reid," you said harshly.  "i'm mad at you."

"i apologized," he said as you felt yourself crying. reid's head perked up as he noticed and he tried to touch you in any sort of way; however, you shook your head. 

"why were you so harsh earlier?" you asked through some tears. reid moved closer to you as you began to try and walk past him and towards your living space. "no, don't," you began as his hand reached out. "don't touch me until you explain what's going on."

he let out a sigh, looking up at the ceiling. 

"______," he began as you hesitantly glanced up at him. "it's so hard to explain."

you began to walk past him but reid shook his head, reaching out and gently touching your arm. 

"no, reid," you said back. "why did you snap at me? what's going on? i've known you for over three years and you never acted like this."

"baby," he muttered softly as you looked up at him briefly. 

"oh, god, spence," you said, suddenly switching to your nickname for him. it caught his attention as he furrowed his brows in confusion. "why didn't you just tell me?" you said to him. 

"tell you what?" 

 "don't tell me that you don't know what i'm talking about," you muttered. "you took it out on me, spence. you're struggling with it again, aren't you?"

he nodded slightly, very hard to notice unless you studied behavior. your eyes got watery even more as reid looked down at you. 

"no, stop," he said gently. "i'm sorry, doll."

you felt your heart being a little chipped more as you looked up at him. 

"why didn't you just tell me?" you asked softly, repeating your earlier question as reid sighed. 

"it's hard to come to terms with," he muttered. "but i'm so sorry, sweetheart. i hurt you, and i know i did. my words were spoken purely out of frustration at my situation and they were arimed at you. but, you have to believe me that they didn't mean anything. i love you so dearly," he said as he got closer to you. 

his hand reached out as he gingerly touched your arm. when you didn't move away or push his hand off of yours, he started to pull you closer to him as his arms slowly embraced you.

you slowly rest your arms around his shoulders as you loosely held onto him. 

"i'm so sorry, baby," he muttered as you closed your eyes. "i'm so sorry." 

you leaned your head over slowly as you rest it against his. he felt it as he tightened his hold on you. 

"how can i repair what i said to you?" he questioned softly. you let out a small sigh as you lightly responded to him. 

"just hold me, spence," you said softly. "stay over." 

"okay," he said. "okay, anything."

"are you still taking it?" you asked, starting to tighten your hold on him and he could feel it. this caused him to pull you closer. 

"i'm trying to quit," he responded. "but, it's hard." 

"i thought you went to groups for this," you said gently. he nodded.

"i do, but for some reason, it isn't working," he said as you started to lean back to look at him. your eyes searched his as your fingers gently ran through his hair. reid enjoyed having you back in his hold and he was letting you do anything with him. 

"i wish i could help you," you muttered as reid kept staring at you. 

"_______, you're helping me now. and i promise you, i will never snap at you like that again. i don't want to hurt you like i did today." 

you nodded, running your hand through his hair before reid started to lean closer. he waited to see if you would lean back or do anything to signal no to him, but you didn't. so, he leaned close and pressed his lips to yours tenderly. 

when he let go, you opened your eyes once more to look at him.

"you know that i'll always love you, right?" he asked. you nodded in response, resting your head against his as he held you close.

"i love you too, spence." 

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