one hundred and eighty one: boss problems (part two)

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on the carride there, you were anxious the entire time. reid kept his hand on your shaking leg, trying to keep you calm in the current circumstances. he frequently glanced over at you.

"why did she call me of all people? is it because she knows that you're a federal agent?" you asked aloud, staring outside as the streets passed by through the window. 

"that could be it. i have been by your office several times to pick you up, so she could have learned through somebody that i am in a federal position."

"but why would she call me? did something happen to her? is she tricking me? is this a plan to kill me? oh my god, spence-"  you started but he shook his head. 

"hey, hey, calm down. just breathe, baby, it'll be okay," he said, holding your thigh still. 

you nodded, taking deep inhales and exhales. 

upon entering the bau, you and reid walked upstairs to meet everybody in the conference room. when you both got upstairs, you weren't so much of a wreck but a disheveled mind. they immediately started to bombard you with questions, causing you to grab reid's hand in yours. he nodded.

"guys, hey, one question at a time. i know time is of the essence here, but she is no good to us if she can't focus or think about anything that happened," reid said. they all nodded before morgan asked you a question.

"so, ______," he began as you nodded, looking over at him as you continued to hold onto reid's hand. "what did your boss say to you?" 

"um, she said to come to the office. she had a few assignments for me to do," you began, running your free hand through your hair. "um, she, uh, she said that she wanted me to enter through the back door of the building and come to the third floor." 

"did your boss try to call you again or text you any information?" hotched questioned.

"i'm not sure. let me check," you muttered, feeling your pockets for your phone. you looked over at spence, who checked his pockets, before shaking his head as he looked over at you. you suddenly felt your heart skip a beat. "spence, i left it at my apartment. i have to go back and get it," you said, getting the keys from his pocket. 

he shook his head, grabbing your hand as he pulled you back. 

"no, you aren't going back there alone," he said as you shook your head.

"i'll be okay," you told him, looking up into his eyes. "it's my apartment."

he shook his head.

"______, i'm coming with you. you are not going alone," he said, staring back down into your eyes heavily as you nodded. 


when you got to your apartment door, you went to unlock the door but immediately realized it was unlocked. you turned around to face reid as he nodded, dialing morgan to let him know to come to your apartment quickly before hanging up. he pulled out his gun, stepping in front of you as he shielded you from what could potentially be inside.

"spence, if they know that you're an fbi agent, they could be knowing that you would enter the room first and what if that's what they want?" you asked him softly, seeing him considering your words carefully. he finally nodded, holding you close to him as he allowed you to walk in front of him. he held out the gun above you, keeping it ready to shoot in case something were to happen.

you slowly opened the door, feeling reid's hold on you tighten significantly, as you walked into the apartment to find your phone sitting on the kitchen counter. it was right where you left it. but the door was unlocked? it made no sense. 

you went to the kitchen counter, picking up your phone as you glanced off to the side where your bedroom was. you noticed something odd about the door being shut. you never shut your bedroom door since you lived alone and reid stayed with you frequently at night.

"my bedroom door is shut, spence," you told him softly as he nodded. you could feel his grip starting to loosen on you as he went over to see what was going on but you shook your head. "spence, wait," you muttered, grabbing his hand in yours as you stayed close. 

he put his hand on the doorknob as he turned it slowly, opening the door and your bedroom was exposed. when he walked in, his gun was aimed and ready to shoot anything that could come at you or him. 

your eyes scanned the room for anything else suspicious. your eyes fell onto the note sitting on your bed with picture. you nudged reid in that direction and he noticed. he went over with you and picked it up, handing you the photo. 

"is this-?"

"my boss," you said, feeling your heart tightening.

"_______, we need to get out of here," reid said as you cocked your head in confusion. "sweetheart, trust me. we need to-" spence said, trying to warn you but another voice spoke out from the darkness in your apartment.

"you're not going anywhere." 

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