two: check up

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author's note: it's a little weird feeling like i'm starting from ground zero (i kinda am) but i just wanted to remind you guys that this is basically the same continuation of the first book!!! just because i maxed out the chapters in the last one doesn't mean i can't keep writing for criminal minds!!

"how about tomorrow? maybe we can work something out then to meet up? okay, great. bye."

you peeled your head into morgan's office as he let out a sigh, grabbing ahold of a cross necklace sitting on the edge of his desk.

"hey," you said softly as he looked up at you, giving you a smile. "the team is gathering."

he nodded, standing up as he put the necklace back on his desk before following you out, shutting off the lights, and shutting the door.

"everything okay?" you asked him as the two of you made your way to the conference room.

he shrugged.

"i'll find out when i get back. what's the case?" he asked as you pulled out one of the files and handed it to him. he opened it, beginning to flip through it as you both entered the room.

you went to work handing out the files to everyone as morgan took a seat with his already in his hands. hotch looked up at you, waiting for you to begin the case briefing.

"in the last three days, the indiana police department has uncovered about twelve bodies in counting. all have been buried in the same area but are divided based on what they think is gender but it's a little difficult to tell," you said as you put up some photos on the television.

prentiss gave the board a questioning look as j.j. asked a couple of questions. morgan was zoning out of the conversation, causing hotch to gain his attention once more.

you furrowed your brows briefly before looking down at garcia.

"alright, everyone. wheels up in thirty," hotch said as the majority of the team left to go get their go bags to leave.

"hey, can you do something for me?" you asked garcia as she turned around and nodded. "can you make sure that morgan is okay?"

she nodded, giving you a smile.

"yeah, of course," she said before leaving as you let out a small sigh, looking down towards the case file as reid came over to you.

"everything okay?" he asked you sweetly as you nodded, looking towards the door where morgan had exited.

"morgan is acting weird," you told reid as he let out a small sigh.

"he might be going through something," he responded. "i'm sure everything is okay. but you, sweetheart, need to go get your go bag."

you nodded, still looking out the door as you questioned why he was acting like this.

reid sighed, gently turning your head to face him when he put his pointer finger on the side of your chin. he pressed his lips to yours as a distraction and reassurance as you stood up on your tiptoes to get closer to him.

he let go, smiling down at you as you wrapped your arms around him and held him close.

"i'm sure morgan is fine. you asked garcia to make sure he was and she'll tell you for certain," he said. "but you need to focus on the case right now, darling."

you nodded, still holding him.

"i love you, spence."

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