twelve: trust issues

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"hey, emily," you said as you walked over to the coffee area as she cleaned up some spilled coffee from the counter and off her hand. "how was your weekend?"

"it was good, actually, no," she said as you looked over at her in confusion. "actually yes."

you laughed slightly as you looked over at her, crossing your arms as you smiled to yourself about it.

"okay, actually," she said, noticing your little smile. "i think i messed up a date i went on."

you took a sip of your coffee as you looked at her.

"what happened?" you asked.

"i just, i'm such a nerd so i try to cover it all up because it's weird how insane i can become," she said with a slight laugh as you smiled at her.

"i'm sure you didn't mess anything up! to be completely honest with you, i think that these men are missing out on you. you're definitely a catch," you told her, taking another sip of the coffee in your hand.

"thank you," she said with a smile. "and you are definitely a catch as well. do you ever go on dates?"

"i have a boyfriend," you said, sipping on the coffee.

her jaw dropped slightly in confusion and surprise.

"really? who is this lucky guy?" she asked.

"it's reid," you said, looking over at her with a soft smile before you took another sip of your drink. she laughed a little.

"oh my god! mr. genius over there?" she asked.

you nodded, looking over at him as he sat at his desk, messing around with a pen before getting up and beginning to walk over to where you were standing with prentiss.

"yeah, i mean, he's really sweet," you told her. "he's the only guy that i've ever dated that's been an actual good boyfriend."

"_____?" he asked shyly as you looked over at him from talking with prentiss. you nodded, raising your eyebrows.

"yeah, spence?" you asked.

"can i, i need to talk to you, like, right now," he said softly as you nodded, setting down your drink as you looked over at prentiss.

"i guess i'll see you in there," you told her as you followed reid over to an empty room as you walked in and he shut the door behind you.

"everything okay, spence?" you asked him.

"it's coming back to me," he told you. "everything. the drugs, i need the drugs."

you shook your head, standing up as you grabbed his hands in yours as you looked up at him.

"spence," you said. "no, you don't need them. you do not need them. i thought i had taken them away," you said as he took off his bag and handed it to you.

you set it down on the table as you opened it and searched through it to find what you had thought you had hidden from him. you let out a sigh, looking down at the bag.

"_____, i'm so sorry," he said to you.

you turned around, looking at him.

"i thought you said that-" you began but let out a heavy sigh, running a hand through your hair.

he nodded, coming over and grabbing your free hand that didn't have the drugs in them. he looked down at the drugs you were holding while you stared up at him.

"spence," you said softly as he nodded, taking the drugs from you as you shook your head. "no, spence, don't do this."

he let go of your hand as he went over to the trash can and dumped the drugs while you watched him do so.

"spence," you said softly as he nodded, looking back over at you. your eyes searched his as he opened the door, prompting you to grab his bag and follow him out the door.

he let out a small sigh as the two of you began walking over to the main conference room while he looked down at you briefly while you held his bag on your shoulder.

"you're the only person i can trust here," he muttered to you. you looked up at him as you began walking up the ramp.

"me?" you asked.

he nodded. "yeah," he responded. "you're the only person here i can trust. i love you, you know that? you should know that. i really hope you understand that you're the one person i can trust and-" he began rambling but you stopped him.

"spence, did you take some of the drug this morning?" you asked him as you reshouldered the bag while looking at him.

he sighed, looking over to the side.

"you did," you responded, letting out a sigh. "are you sure that you can really trust me because of you did, you wouldn't be searching for something that i tried to protect you from."

he watched as you walked into the room and took a seat as you looked down towards the case. reid watched you do so, finally coming in and sitting down next to you as you bit your lip gently.

"_____, i'm sorry," he said softly, reaching over and intertwining his hand into yours. "but you should know that you are the only one that i trust. i can tell you that on drugs or off."

you nodded, messing with your lip with your fingers before looking over at him.

"you love me a lot, don't you?" you asked him.

he nodded. "i do, i really do."

you nodded, giving him a small smile as he continued to stare at you with the specific look of love in his eyes.

"spence, please don't ever do those drugs again. if you really trust me, you should know that i hid them so you would talk to me and let me know what's going on."

he nodded, tightening his hold on your hand.

"i love you, _____," he said softly as you nodded, looking back over to the case file.

"i love you too, spence," you replied.

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