one hundred and forty two: nicknames

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"reid, what do you call your girlfriend?" morgan asked, seeing reid look over at you talking with garcia and kevin. he stared at you, observing and admiring every little movement you made. you were the only one in his life that ever made him feel this certain way of not being able to look away from a person. 

"i call her a lot of things," he said, still staring at you. you were listening intently to what garcia was talking about as kevin gave some theories of his own while you just stood and listened. you did this with reid, too. you just stood and listened to him talk. you always said you loved the way his mind worked and you enjoyed hearing him speak all about the knowledge that he possessed. 

morgan chuckled. "well, i guess i mean by nicknames like kevin has for garcia. please tell me that they're not as weird as 'plumsauce'," he said, seeing reid smiling to himself as he stared at you.

"i call her sweetheart a lot," he muttered. "but, she also likes doll. i'm not sure why."

morgan looked over at you as you finished your conversation, turning away from them as you were heading towards where morgan and reid were currently standing. you turned back to tell them bye once more before coming up to reid as you smiled at him. 

"let's go home," you told him, giving him a smile as he nodded back in response. he pressed a brief kiss to your cheek before answering.

"i'm gonna grab my stuff," he said, giving you another smile.

you nodded, watching him go as you looked over at morgan who was laughing to himself.

"what?" you asked.

"nothing, nothing," he said. you raised your eyebrows up in confusion as to why he was acting so strange. "okay, look, reid and i were chatting. he told me that you are called many different names."

luckily, reid walked back up to the conversation with his things as you grabbed his hand in yours. 

"well, we'll see you later morgan. goodnight," you told him, pulling reid along with you quickly to get to his apartment sooner.

"what did you tell morgan?" you asked, sliding on one of reid's sweatshirts that he had few of. you loved them all, but there was one in particular that you liked more than the rest. he came out from the bathroom, looking at you in confusion.

"what? when?" 

"tonight," you muttered, pulling your hair out from underneath the sweatshirt as reid stared at you before responding. 

"he asked me about any nicknames for you," he said. "but don't worry. i only told him the innocent we use," he muttered, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you blushed heavily. you smiled to yourself, laughing a little.

"i love you," you told him.

reid smiled back at you.

"i love you too, doll."

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