one hundred and fifty seven: never approve

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"hey, babe, you okay?" reid said as he walked over to where you were sitting, staring at the wall in a tired daze. you felt his hand resting on your shoulder as you nodded, looking up at him.

"yeah, yeah i'm fine, spence," you muttered, letting out a sigh as you stood up. you grabbed your jacket as he furrowed his brows.

"come here," he said as you turned around to face him. you couldn't resist him, walking over as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you closely. "you don't seem okay," he muttered into your hair.

"i am, spence, i'm just tired," you muttered, readjusting your head on his chest as he stared down at you. "can i talk to you tonight?"

he nodded.

"of course."

you knocked on reid's door as he opened it, letting you inside before shutting it. you walked over to his bed as you sat down, waiting for him to come join you. when he did, you began to start talking.

"spence," you said softly, looking up at him as you admired his eyes. "my dad called me yesterday."

"your dad did? what did he say? was he coming here? is he trying to hunt you down again?"

you let out a soft sigh, shaking your head a little before responding.

"no, he, uh, he actually called me to tell me that he wants to meet you," you muttered, reaching for his hand as you played with his fingers.

reid furrowed his eyebrows in response to what you told him. your dad didn't like reid, you and him both knew it. there was something about him that your dad found unappealing.

"why? your dad hates me," he replied as you nodded, getting up as you shifted your position to where you were practically sitting in his lap as you held onto him.

"i'm not sure, spence," you told him truthfully. "all i know is that he wanted to meet you. he didn't say why, he just said that it was important."

reid rubbed your back gently, keeping you close to him.

"when are we meeting him?" he asked, feeling your head nuzzling itself under his chin.

"tomorrow night at eight," you muttered. "i'm so nervous. he doesn't like you, spence. my mom adores you, but i don't know why he doesn't like you."

he nodded. "i'll be okay, babe. don't worry."

you were nervous. he could tell as the two of you stood outside of a diner, waiting for your dad to show. you were messing around with your bracelet that reid had given you on your two year.

he gently ran his fingers down your arm as you let out a soft sigh before he slipped his hand into yours to keep you calm.

"it's okay, sweetheart," he said softly as you nodded, moving closer to him as your expectant eyes suddenly spotted him.

"he's coming, spence," you muttered as he nodded.

"i'm right here," he said softly as you nodded. "i'm not going anywhere."

when your dad walked up, you greeted him.

"hi, dad," you said sweetly, trying to mask your nerves. "you know spen- reid," you corrected yourself, smiling nervously.

"hi, pumpkin," he said, giving you a gentle hug. his eyes wandered to where reid was standing as he nodded towards him. "reid."

reid nodded, pulling you back to him. "how are you, mr. _______?"

"let's get down to business," he muttered, walking into the diner as the two of you followed after him. he got you all three a table as you sat down on the inside as reid sat next to you on the inside and your dad sat across from the two of you.

"reid, you know i don't approve of you dating my daughter. and i think you know why," he said, seeing the waitress coming over as she took your orders before walking away to allow him to continue.

"actually, sir, ______ and i both don't understand why you don't approve and we'd appreciate knowing," reid said, tightening his hand on yours under the table as you let out a shaky sigh.

"you're not what i hoped for for my daughter. she is the most beautiful child of mine, she is the light of my and my wife's lives. she's our child," he said. "and being a parent, we have expectations for our children. her younger sister, lydia, found a wonderful man who is a neurologist and she's a school teacher. we just want the best for our child. you can understand that, can't you?"

reid nodded as you furrowed your brows.

"dad, i'm in the fbi and in a department that's hard to get into without having years of experience. reid is a genius, i don't understand what more you want for me. he treats me so well, dad. he really does," you told him, looking at your father in disbelief.

"_______, i just want the best for you. it doesn't make sense that you'd want to date someone doing the same job as you."

"okay, but i'm not lydia, i'm not mom, i'm not you- i'm me. and i found someone whom i love that just happens to be in the same job field that i'm in."

reid nodded.

"sir, if i may, i'd just like to say that i do take care of her. i strive everyday to make her happy, and i keep her safe as humanely possible in the field that we're both in. i would never let anything harm her," he said as your dad looked at reid with a cold stare.

"i can't just trust that you'll take care of her. she's my child, my daughter," he said sternly.

reid nodded. "i understand that, sir, but-"

"no, you listen. i don't want you to see my daughter anymore. i don't care that you've been together for a few months, i don't care that you have been having a good time with her. i don't care. i don't want you seeing her anymore," he said.

you were looking down towards your hand was holding reid's as you let out a small teary sigh.

"dad, it's been three years," you said softly.

your dad looked over at you, seeing how sad and broken you were from his words. you were avoiding all of his stares at you as you squeezed reid's hand lightly to know that you wanted to go.

reid nodded.

"i'm sorry, sir, but we need to go. work is contacting us," he said as your dad stared at you as you got up and avoided his stare before the two of you left.

on the way home, you stayed quiet. you didn't say anything and you just stared out the window. reid looked over at you, seeing how hurt you looked as he shook his head.

when you both got back to the apartment, you walked in and went straight towards the bedroom as you shut the door behind you. reid wasn't going to let you deal with this alone as he knocked on the door gently before opening it. 

you were sitting on your shared bed, holding onto a photo that you had put on the nightstand next to your side of the bed as reid walked in. he took a seat next to you, looking at what your gaze was focused on. 

"______," he said softly. "i will never leave you."

you nodded, laying your head down on his shoulder. 

"i know you won't," you said softly. "but it doesn't change the fact that my dad will never approve." 

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