one hundred and eleven: can't help myself (part eight)

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"hey, did you sleep okay last night?" reid asked you that morning as the two of you were walking downstairs with your bags to go meet the rest of the team and go home.

you nodded.

"you always help to calm me down, spence," you responded. "wait."

you stopped walking and that made him stop walking as he turned around to look at you.

"what's up?" he asked as you looked over at him.

"i'm not even sure. i'm just worried," you told him.

he smiled, coming over to you as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"you're fine. you'll be okay as long as i'm there," he said as you nodded, inhaling before letting it out and following him downstairs where the rookie was talking with prentiss before noticing you.

"if you don't pay him any attention, he can't do anything."

you nodded, holding spence's hand tighter as you looked off to the side. you were trying to avoid eye contact with him but the rookie was seeming to be relentless in staring at you.

"okay, i'm sorry, but what will it take for you to leave me alone?" you asked the rookie as he smiled.

"just let me have you. if you let me have you, none of this would be happening. you'd be having se-"

you looked over at reid as before looking at the rookie again before pulling reid roughly to your lips. he easily sunk into it, his hand lacing itself into your hair as your hands rest on his waist. when you let go, you looked over at the rookie before grabbing your bag once more and then walking off.

the rookie looked up at reid, noticing his star struck look from what just happened as you went and stood off to the side of the hotel.

reid came over to you.

"how much time do we have until we have to leave?" reid asked you, causing you to furrow your brows and look towards your watch.

"about an hour. hotch wanted us to be here for a little while since morgan is usually-"

you were cut off as reid pressed his lips firmly to yours again. his hand was laced back into your hair as you sunk into it. you didn't want to let go and reid didn't either.

when he did, he asked you a question.

"we have time. i need this," he muttered against your lips.

you sighed, nodding your head as your hand searched for the door handle to the nearest closet before opening it.

when you got in, reid shut the door.

the rookie stared at the door in shock. prentiss was also in shock from witnessing that.

"hey, where's reid and _____?" morgan asked as you opened the door to the closet and stepped out into the daylight as reid smiled to himself, pulling you back to him as he pressed a kiss to your cheek.

you smiled.

"okay, what the hell you two!"

you shrugged, getting your go bag on your shoulder.

"it's fine. we used a condom," you said as you began walking off to the doors as reid smiled to himself, following you out of the building.

"rookie, if you still want her after that happened-" morgan said as he nodded.

"i want to do the exact same with her."

morgan sighed, shaking his head as he walked off to where you two had gone.

the rookie smiled to himself.

"she will be mine."

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