one hundred and fifty three: best i've ever known

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"i've learned to stop asking questions about this guy," the officer said as you smiled at your boyfriend before clearing your throat as you nodded, glancing over at the officer.

"spence," you said as everyone went to the hotel for the night to go to sleep and come back in the morning. he turned around as he saw you coming towards him, causing him to smile.

"______," he said softly as he took your hand in his.

"can i stay with you tonight?" you asked him as he nodded, the two of you continuing to walk towards the hotel. when you got to his room with him, he unlocked the door and let you inside.

after he shut and locked the door, he turned around to see you staring at him.

"you okay?" he questioned.

you nodded, reaching your arms out as he walked over to you with a smile on his face, engulfing you in a tight hug. it made you laugh like a little kid as you kept yourself close to him.

"you're too good for me, spence," you told him sweetly. "everyone can see it."

he furrowed his brows in confusion, keeping his hold on you.

"what are you talking about?" he questioned.

"well, the officer today just understood and could tell how genius you are. and garcia reminds me everyday of how good of a person you are. prentiss and j.j. both remind of your heart of gold," you muttered, nuzzling your head under his chin.

that only caused him to hold you closer.

"_____, what are you saying?" he asked.

you sighed.

"you're far too good for me. you're so innocent," you muttered. reid let out a soft sigh, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

"you are the only person i know who would give up her day off to go help someone with anything, you would give anybody your spare time to go assist them in what they need. you are the only person i know who reminds me of who i am when i need to get level headed once again. you are the only person who will love me unconditional," he muttered.

you smiled, leaning back some to look up at him.

"you mean that?" you asked.

he nodded. "i never lie to you, sweetheart."

you couldn't stop smiling as reid smiled back at you before pressing his lips to yours. you sunk into it easily, so comfortable with the familiar feeling.

when he let go, you stared back up at him.

"you're the best person i've ever known."

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