thirty nine: persuasive

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when you arrived at the bau one morning, you were exhausted from a previous night out with your boyfriend as you saw garcia already there. she was hyped up on coffee as she came up to you immediately. 

"oh, man," she said with a slight chuckle. "what the hell happened to you?"

you rubbed your head before responding. 

"spence wanted to go out to a few bars for absolutely no reason," you muttered back. "and when i tell you that he can be very persuading, i mean it. he kept promising me things that he knew i could not refuse at all."

"reid can be persuading?" she asked. "you are literally one of the most persuasive people i have ever-"

"garcia, he was offering me something sexual," you cut her off to explain as you gave her a brief smile as she nodded, suddenly understanding. "and when i tell you that spence can be persuasive with that type of talk, he knows me. he knows me so, so well."

garcia chuckled. 

"and oh my god," you began. "this guy was trying to hit on me last night and spence can get so jealous which then makes him super grabby and protective and needy," you finished your sentence as garcia smiled. "the guy wasn't intimidated but he was definitely a taken aback. honestly, the first time that spence acted like all of that with me, it was really cute and sweet. he was wearing his normal outfit that he had worn to work that day. it was the purple tie with stripes and a sweater that i had gotten for him a few days earlier. he was really excited to go out and spend time with me but when a guy i knew from high school came up to me and started trying to hit on me, i've never seen a man try and pull a woman so close before. i mean, i was already pressed tightly against him and spence felt the need to rest his head in the crook of my neck and- what?" you asked as garcia just smiled at you. 

"______, you are in love," she said. 

you sat down in your seat as you sighed. 

"i love him, garcia," you replied. "i love spence so, so much."

garcia smiled widely, squealing lightly as you laughed a little. 

you suddenly felt someone lean down and press a kiss to your cheek before resting their head in  the crook of your neck. 

"hi, spence," you said softly, reaching up and running your fingers gently through his hair before he sat up and came to sit down in front of you. 

"how are you so beautiful, ______?" reid said as he leaned forwards and pressed another kiss to your cheek. "you are the love of my life," he said before pressing a kiss to the your other cheek before finally finishing his sentences. 

"someday, i'm going to marry you," he said sweetly as he pressed his lips to yours which caused you to blush heavily. 

"i'll gladly accept that offer," you said in response to him as you smiled at him sweetly. he chuckled lightly, standing up to go over to his desk and put some stuff away but not before he pressed another kiss to your lips as he pulled you up and closer to him. 

when he let go, he smiled sweetly at you, sliding something into your hand as you stared up at him before watching him go off to his desk as you looked down towards your hand.

in it, was a ring. 

you looked up at him suddenly as he shook his head, coming back over to you as you got confused.

"sweetheart, it's not an engagement ring," he said sweetly to you as he laughed a little. "it's just a promise ring for now." 

you nodded, smiling up at him before sliding it on. 

"i told you," he said softly. "i'm going to marry you."

he pressed another kiss to your lips before letting go and going to get ready for the day. 

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