forty five: alternate personality

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"reid exposed his dark side to me today," garcia said as you two were walking towards her office. you laughed a little.

"was it clint eastwood from dirty harry?" you asked, looking over at her as she nodded, furrowing her brows in confusion. "the amount of times i've heard him trying to perfect this personality in our bathroom is honestly a thing to wake up to in the morning."

"he's trying to perfect this personality?" garcia asked.

you took a sip of your coffee.

"i don't know how spencer's mind works, garcia," you responded as the two of you entered her office to set down some papers and get settled for the upcoming case.

"but you know him better than anyone else," she said softly.

"yeah, but that's different. whatever personality he wants to use, i don't really care because he's incredible with any of them," you said to her with a soft smile on your lips.

"so, do you like this scary side of your boyfriend or?"

you shrugged.

"the thing with that personality building block is that he just stares dead at me everytime he's saying it and it never ends up working out because he feels bad for talking to me like that," you muttered, looking down at your watch.

"but it wasn't anything-?"

you shook your head. "it's a weird thing he has, i don't know. like i said, i don't know how spencer's mind works. oh, but we need to go."

garcia nodded, standing up and handing you a case file as you opened it to begin observing it.

"so, if your boyfriend has a scary side, then i assume you do too?" she asked as you shut the file, looking over at her.

"no, not really. if i do, i haven't felt the need or desire to express it publicly," you replied. "i honestly just think it's cute when spence is trying to do it so i just let him have that alternate personality."

"but he said everyone has one," garcia explained as you looked over at her to respond before seeing approaching who was looking down at a book. you knew immediately it was reid as you grabbed his hand in yours before continuing to walk with garcia.

"spence, honey," you began as he looked up from his book. "how's that clint eastwood coming along?" you asked him sweetly, moving closer to him as he chuckled.

"where's your scary side, sweetheart?" he asked, raising a brow as you just smiled up at him before entering the bau conference room.

"my scary side is if i became dumb enough to leave you," you replied before hotch walked in. "nothing is scarier than what could become reality."

reid smiled at you, seeing hotch sitting down as he pressed a kiss to your cheek before walking over to his seat.

you couldn't stop smiling to yourself.

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