ninety two: they don't have to know (part five)

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brief update: i changed the ending of this story. it needed to be changed. love you all!

you sat staring up at morgan as you waited for him to do something, anything, as he just looked at you with a small smile on his lips. you frowned, leaning back in the chair as you stared up at him as well.

"what do you really want from me," you muttered.

"_____, i want you," he responded. "you and reid have this connection-" he began but you smiled to yourself.

"oh, so, you're jealous that we're sleeping together?"

"i'm not," he muttered. "i'm jealous of reid getting you to himself."

"i'm his girlfriend," you said in disbelief, standing up but immediately sitting back down. "look, morgan, what's your whole deal with him?"

"it's not him, _____," he said. "it's you. it's always been you. i just want you," he responded, staring down at you. "i want what he gets."

"you can sleep with any woman you want," you muttered. "i don't get why you're so stuck on me."

there was a moment of silence between the two of you before you finally spoke up again.

"did you happen to follow us to the, uh, crime scene?" you said softly, trying to make sure no one else heard the question.

he shook his head.

you smiled to yourself. "thank god."

"but it's obvious you two hooked up," he said. "judging by the way that you walked back in."

you nodded, standing back up and getting a stable feeling of being back on your feet as you walked out of the room and over to find your boyfriend who was talking with one of the police officers.

"spence, i can't take it anymore," you muttered as he looked down at you, excusing himself from the conversation as you led him over to an empty room.

"morgan won't give up," you told him, taking a seat on the table. "he's not even trying to hide the fact that he wants to sleep with me. spence, he asked me why you get to have me and not him," you said as he took a seat in a chair down in front of you.

he was silent as he stared up at you.

"what?" you asked.

"nothing, nothing, i just thought that admiring you might take your mind off of everything," he responded as you smiled to yourself.

"don't you get tired of wanting to sleep with me, spence?" you questioned, laughing some as he shook his head.

"no, not at all. i love you, and i love the way your mind works whenever we're doing it together. and i mean, the way you look is always beautiful and always stunning but the way that your eyes look at me whenever you want you do something is just absolutely the most beautiful sight to see," he said. "you get this excitement and this spark which just helps me, too."

you blushed heavily, resisting the urge to get down from off of the table and come over to him as you stared over at the window.

"you know you want to," he said softly as you nodded, getting down and going over to him, pressing your lips to his as he accepted it, his hands wrapping themselves around you as he pulled you closer.

"spence, you're in a chair for god's sake. it's hard to get closer to you when you're sitting," you told him with a smile as his hands ran themselves gently up your back. "you know me so well."

"so do our neighbors," he muttered. "they know how much you love agreeing with me."

you stood up, blush heavily powdering your cheeks as you turned the other direction.

"we should probably get back on the case, spence," you muttered. "besides, you have to keep morgan away from me since my attempts clearly didn't work."

he smiled, standing up and pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"don't worry, i'll protect you," he said softly as you nudged him a little harder causing him to laugh. "what?"

"i can fend for myself," you said with a laugh. "but i'm just so irresistible, i guess."

reid laughed, pulling you to his lips once more before he laughed again.

"you're not wrong about that."

"reid, how did you manage to get a girl like her?" morgan asked as reid looked up from the crime scene photos while you were busy talking with j.j. about some evidence found.

"statistics," he muttered, going back to what he was doing and trying not to focus on you so much but it seemed nearly impossible with how morgan was acting towards you.

"really?" he asked. "seems a little-"

"morgan," reid said, looking up at him. "maybe it's best that we focus on the task at hand."

"you seem like you can only focus on _____ most of the time, kid. i mean, you two hooking up at a crime scene? doing it at home all the time? even in the car sometimes? you're constantly doing here, man!" he said as reid sighed.

"i don't see the issue with it," he responded. "i think that if we love each other, it's a valid reason."

"oh, come on, reid," he said. "you're doing her day and night, twenty four hours and seven days a week. it's like you have no pause in between."

"why are you invested in our sex life?" reid asked him.

"maybe it's because i'm interested in your girlfriend," morgan responded.

"oh my, how sad must it be to know that we're sleeping together, according to you, day and night, twenty four hours and seven days a week," reid said, staring back at him with a blank stare.

"just because you're more intelligent and taller than i am, it doesn't mean that she isn't at least interested in me in the slightest," morgan responded, crossing his arms.

"oh, yeah? and how might we test that theory? ______, sweetheart!" he said, calling you over as you excused yourself.

"yeah?" you asked, looking up at him.

"are you interested in morgan at all?" he asked as you shook your head, staring up at reid with a smile on your face.

"i mean," you began as reid and morgan looked back at you. "i have to say yes to the guy who's doing me because that's unfair to him."

reid furrowed his brows.

"i'm kidding! we can go again tonight, right, spence?" you asked as he nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"of course. thank you for clearing this all up," he replied as you smiled up at him before leaving.

"see! right back where you started! having sex twenty four seven!" morgan shouted as reid shook his head, looking back down towards the work they were doing.

"i can't control what _____ wants," he said back softly. "i just do what she asks so i can continue to show how much i love her. it's something you wouldn't understand since you're trying to steal her away from me."

with that, he walked off as morgan looked over at you.

he wanted to get you to stop seeing him. he just wasn't sure how to do it. 

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