one hundred and sixteen: can't help myself (part thirteen)

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"i swear to god, i swear to god!" the rookie yelled in his apartment as he wanted to scream into the night sky or even just a pillow but he wasn't sure even sure at this point. he loved you.

now you were engaged to reid.

"what the hell!" he said loudly, throwing a pillow across the room as he took a seat down on his couch. he felt all the anger flare up in his body as he pressed your number on his phone as he called you.

it took him four attempts in calling you before you answered the phone. you clearly didn't want to talk to him right now.

"what do you need?" you asked him, trying to be somewhat nice but you really didn't have in it in you.

"how could you do this to me?"

"to you?" you asked. "me getting engaged to the love of my life is something horrible for you?"

"_____, i love you. i love you! i love you! i love you! and you went off and got engaged to the pipe cleaner! how could you do this to me!"

you shook your head.

"it's late. go to bed, rookie."

you hung up the call after that as the rookie shook his head, feeling himself get overwhelmed. he got up, grabbing his jacket quickly as he got into his car and began driving over to where reid lived. he only knew this because of garcia.

he parked quickly, getting out as he went up to reid's door and knocked. he knocked and knocked and knocked. he needed to get your attention.

however, reid opened the door to his surprise.

"what the hell are you doing at my- how do you know where i live?" he asked angrily, blocking the entrance to his home where you were.

"i need to talk to ______."

"i don't trust you. neither does she. leave us alone, rookie."

he began to shut the door but he put his foot in front of it, blocking it from closing.

"i said," he repeated, looking up at reid. "i need to talk to ______."

"and i said she doesn't want to see you so fuck off."

the rookie pushed his way inside as reid went to get him but the rookie walked into the kitchen, quickly searching for something, anything to knock reid out for a while so he could talk to you alone.

he managed to find a bottle and a needle as he quickly dipped it into the solution, turning around as reid got to him and sticking the needle in him.

reid looked down at the needle, looking back up at the rookie as he slowly fell to the ground. it was more of a collapse but it felt slow to both of them.

the rookie stepped over him, walking over to the bedroom as you were coming out of the bathroom. you were obviously very tired.

"what the-" you began to ask but the rookie gently grabbed your wrists in his grasp as he kept you from moving. every time you moved a little or flinched, he tightened his hold on your wrists.

"tell me why," he said softly.

you shook your head, feeling tears come to your eyes.

"what do you want from me," you said softly.

"tell me why! tell me why you're getting married to him! to the fucking pipe cleaner with eyes, _____! i am so much better than he is!"

you shook your head.

"what did you do," you said gently.

"tell me why and i can let you go."

"i've told you why. because i love him."

the rookie let go of you, watching as you rushed towards the den where you didn't find him. you then went to the kitchen.

you found him on the ground, just passed out was all but you didn't know that.

"oh my god!" you said, feeling tears immediately come to your eyes as you kneeled down by him, trying to get him to look at you. "did you kill him?" you asked, not wanting to look up from reid.

the rookie shook his head.

"no, i just injected something into him."

"the drug," you said softly, grabbing reid's hand in yours as you held onto it tightly. "you're going to be okay, spence."

the rookie watched as you sat by him.

"please leave," you said to him. "and don't ever come back. you've caused enough pain tonight."

the rookie shook his head.

"_____, i love you."

"and i don't love you! when will you get that through your thick skull! i don't know how you don't understand what i'm saying to you!"

he shook his head.

"you know, deep down you do."

you shook your head in response to his statement.

"leave, rookie. literally just leave!"

he stood up, sighing as he looked down at you and your fiancée.

"see you at work tomorrow."

with that, he walked out of your apartment as you reached in reid's pocket for his phone as you called nine one one. you told them the situation and soon they came, got him, and left you in his home.

you wiped your eyes, sitting on the bed as you felt yourself just become overwhelmed with tears.

he could've been killed.

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