one hundred and seventy seven: missing unsub (part four)

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author's note: it's literally five in the morning and here i am writing a ton. i guess early morning writing is what works for me!

that night, you woke up early in the morning with a jolt and a racing heart. this caused reid to wake up from his position that he was in after placing you under the blankets of the bed. he turned on the bedside lamp in the room as he gathered you in his hold. there were tears running down your face as you felt you couldn't control them anymore. 

"i'm here, i'm here," he said, holding you close as you tried to calm down. "deep breaths, ______."

you nodded, taking deep breaths slowly to calm yourself down and when you got to a talking point, reid, felt you rest your head against his chest, facing the door as he shook his head. 

"don't look at the door," he muttered. "she can't come back."

you nodded, closing your eyes as you tried to calm yourself back into a peaceful sleep like you had been having. reid began humming your favorite song as he held you fully back in his arms. he never wanted to let you go again, he had to protect you better this time. 

as you began to fall asleep in his arms, you spoke quietly.

"i don't blame you, you know," you said softly. 

he looked down at you, seeing your eyes looking up at him. he smiled briefly at you, his thumb wiping away some of the tears on your cheeks as you kept staring at him.

"why not? it's my fault that you were taken," he muttered as you reached for the hand he was using to wipe the tears off of your face. you grabbed it in your grasp, holding onto it tightly as reid just stared down at you.

"it's not, spence," you said softly. "it's her fault. don't blame yourself for something neither of us knew about or even predicted happening."

he nodded, watching as you slowly closed your eyes and began to fall back asleep as you held onto his hand. he looked down at you, deciding he wouldn't sleep tonight. he was just going to hold you the entire night, hoping for the best.

"how's reid?" garcia asked morgan when he returned to the offices to go through some paper work and legal papers on the case. 

"he blames himself," morgan muttered, walking to garcia's office as he shut the door behind her. "garcia, _______ was hurt badly."

she paused.

"how badly?"

"she was on her last few minutes when we found her," he said softly, watching as garcia felt herself attempting to hold back tears. 

"but, she's okay now? she has to be. reid is there," she said. 

morgan nodded. 

"from what i could tell, she's okay right now. when i left, she had fallen asleep in his arms so who knows. but i just needed to inform you in case you hear him blame himself for what happened. it wasn't his fault."

"i know it wasn't, and i'm sure ______ told him that."

morgan nodded, pulling garcia into a hug as she tried to hold back her tears. 

six thirty in the morning. 

he was still just holding you and watching the windows. he never wanted to let you go, he needed you to rest more than he needed it. after looking out the side window, he looked towards the main windows of the hospital room as he saw a nurse walk by before disappearing down a hallway. 

he held you closer to his body, feeling you gently hum before the room got quiet again besides the small hum of the air conditioner. 

he was never letting go of you until the morning when you woke because he was too afraid that a nightmare would be more likely to occur if he wasn't holding you. he wasn't going to risk it.

his phone buzzed lightly,  causing him to jump a little from the utter silence to a small noise louder than the air conditioning. he made sure you had not woken up, and you hadn't. you were still fast asleep in his arms. 


"kid, how are you two doing?" morgan asked him, hoping for the better news.

he sighed, staring down at you as he kept you close. you had let go of his hand in your sleep which allowed him to hold you with one arm and use the other freely. 

"she's only woken up once, but she's still in my arms," he said as morgan nodded to himself.

"i'm so sorry, kid. you didn't deserve any of this." 

"it's her fault, abby walters' fault. it's not yours or the teams," he said.

"it's also not yours, reid."

he paused, still looking down at you.

"i couldn't protect her," he said as morgan shook his head. 

"the world is harsh and cruel and violent. you know it all. we study these types of people everyday. but we put ourselves into a condition of shock because we don't suspect that any of this would happen to us."

reid nodded.

"she didn't deserve any of this."

there was some silence between the two friends before morgan spoke up again.

"have you slept any?"

his eyes moved from looking down at you to admiring the view outside of the window of the city.

"not really," he muttered.

"you probably should. the stress and lack of sleep don't go well together," morgan explained as reid nodded.

"i won't sleep until i know abby walters is locked up behind bars and has no chance of hurting my baby," he muttered, pulling you closer to him. 

"she is locked up reid. she cannot get out," he said. "you need to get some sleep."

he sighed, looking at the pillows behind him that looked very inviting.

"okay, i'll talk to you later, morgan."

with that, he hung up the phone and cuddled your body into his as he held you close to him while he laid down. you had no hesitation in stretching yourself out some and entangling your limbs into his as you nestled your head right underneath his chin. 

he kept you close, not ever letting go as he also drifted to sleep. 

the unsub was no longer missing, and you were now safer with him because of that. 

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