one hundred and ten: hallway kisses (part three)

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"oh my god, reid, what am i going to do?" you asked him as you took a seat in your chair. he looked over at you, getting up and pulling you with him gently as the two of you walked somewhere more private.

"spence, this i serious. he's gonna come back and," you began but paused when you felt his arms holding you closely to him. you rest your arms around his neck as you immediately loosened up in his hold. you wanted to just stay here forever.

"you don't need to worry about him. i'll make sure he doesn't bother you," he said as you smiled, burying your face into his shoulder as he kept you close.

you two stayed like that in silence for a good while before morgan came to get you two to get on the jet.

"hey, kid and _____- oh shit, sorry," he said as he saw you two. "i didn't realize."

reid smiled. "it's okay, morgan. i'm just trying to comfort her after what happened with her ex boyfriend today."

he couldn't seem to stop smiling.

"i'll make sure that she's okay."

morgan nodded, walking out of the room with a small smile on his face as he sighed to himself.

reid really did love you and he would find a way to make sure your ex boyfriend didn't ever hurt you much like he did before.

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