thirteen: know i love you

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"i don't need help," reid said as prentiss looked at him with furrowed, confused brows while you looked up from the case file. "i'm fine."

"reid, you'll be working with prentiss for right now," hotch said as you looked at him before looking back over at reid.

he let out a sigh, nodding to himself before focusing back on the case file.

you couldn't think of what could possibly be wrong with reid right now. you two had been staying together every night now because of your apartment situation so you would know if he was doing anything suspicious.

"_____, can i ask you a question?" prentiss said as you were walking behind morgan at that point while heading into the police station. you looked up at her and nodded. "what's up with reid?" she asked.

you let out a small exhale. "i'm actually not sure."

she gasped a little. "you don't know?"

you shook your head, walking into the room and being unaware that he was in the room also.

"we've been staying together every night now and i have no clue what's going on," you told her. "he hasn't opened up to me lately and i'm honestly a little worried about the relationship."

"you're worried about our relationship?" reid asked as you turned to face him, noticing he was there. you facepalmed yourself lightly before seeing him walking over to you as he asked to speak outside of the room.

you agreed.

"you're worried about us? why?" he asked.

"spence, you've been acting like something hurt you or offended you and you won't tell me why! people in relationships are supposed to talk about things! look, if you wanted to break up with me, why didn't you just tell me already?" you asked.

he shook his head.

"______, it's the opposite! i love you so much! but it's just complicated," he responded. you looked up at him with watery eyes.

"how?" you asked.

"it's been the drugs," he finally told you. "i haven't taken them lately but it's more of the fact that i'm bothered by everything that happened to me and i don't want to talk about it because it'll make me relive the memories."

you nodded, looking off to the side.

"did you ever want to break up with me over this, spence?" you asked.

he shook his head.

"no," he told you. "no, i love you. i'm just stressed."

"i'm supposed to be able to help you with that, spence. why don't you come to me anymore about these kinds of things?" you asked.

he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before responding.

"just know that i love you, sweetheart," he told you softly before walking back into the room.

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