fifty three: crazy

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"i liked it!" you said with a smile as reid chuckled, keeping his grip on his bag.

"of course you did. you like the endings that aren't realistic," he responded as you shrugged, still having a smile on your face.

"i don't see the issue with that," you replied, looking over at him as the two of you kept walking on your way to the elevator where everyone was going to get on to go home for the night. "i mean, not everything can be perfect, spence. not even you."

he looked over at you, furrowing his brows.

"i'm not?"

you raised your brows slightly, looking at him with a somewhat shocked face before he laughed a little, giving you a small smile.

"i'm just messing with you," he replied, reaching over and grabbing your hand in his out of habit.

"where did you learn to do that, pretty boy? you never play games or poke fun," you responded with a smile.

"garcia taught me a few things but they feel a little unlike me so i'm just going to go back to being me," he explained as you smiled to yourself.

"good, because that's the you i fell in love with. and you're the only realistic person i'm fond of," you told him, tightening your grip on his hand.

"i hope so, considering that i am your boyfriend," he said, looking off towards the floor as you looked back over at him.

"you know what i mean," you said to him as he shook his head.

"no, maybe you could explain it more in depth?" he asked, arriving at the elevator as he pressed the button to go down.

"mhmm, very funny, spence," you muttered.

all the time that you two were walking down from the jet, the team was having conversations with each other. j.j. and morgan were having a conversation about the entire ending of the case when they heard reid laughing at something you had said.

"isn't it still weird?" j.j. asked him.

"what? the ending to the case?" he asked as she shook her head, looking at the two of you.

"no, that reid has a girlfriend," she responded as morgan looked over to where her attention was focused. you were standing by the elevator door as he explained something scientific that neither of the team members could figure out from the distance that they were at as you had this small glimmer of sparkling in your eyes while you looked up at him.

"it is a little crazy," morgan shrugged. "but they're both happy together so it's not like i'm upset about it at all."

"oh, i'm not either. he finally had someone there for him that will listen to his rants."

morgan chuckled, watching the two of you as you both continued to pay attention to only each other.

"crazy," he repeated aloud.

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