fifty one: has a gun

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"oh my god, oh my god, please, someone," you said loudly as you scrambled your way into the hospital looking like a mess. "someone tell me that he's alright, that he's okay," you said as you started to just fall down from the stressed out state you were currently in. tears were running down your face out of worry and anxiety. you felt helpless. 

"______," j.j. said as she came over to where you were starting to fall to the ground. "______, hey," she said, catching your attention as you tried to stand back up but couldn't feel the energy you needed to do so. she grabbed you in her hold as she held onto you tightly, keeping you tightly against her as a comforting way. 

"please tell me that he's okay, j.j.," you muttered weakly into her shoulder as she let out a small sigh, not wanting to be the bearer of any news.

"he's still in surgery," she responded gently, trying to soothe you back into a calm state. "he took the bullet for alex," she added on. "i just want you to know that he was trying to protect another team member from this fate."

you nodded, holding onto her tightly. 

"now, alex is going to stay here and wait one any news. you should stay with her," j.j. told you as you looked up at her, confusion and tears mixed all together in one. 

"why? where are you going?" you asked her softly. 

"we have a case still," she said tenderly. "but i promise you that she will be there for you."

"j.j.," you said softly. "you don't have to go. she could always go with the team. i need someone here who understands-"

"i know, and i'm so sorry, ______," she said. "but alex is here for you right now. you need to go and stay with her. call any of us if you get any updates while we're out."

you nodded, going over and taking a seat near alex. 

 a little while later, a doctor came out as alex was pacing. you had tried to fall asleep but was unsuccessful in doing so, so you were just staring off into nothing and rethinking everything with your boyfriend that you two had shared together.

six years went by pretty quickly. 


"how is he?" you heard her ask as you turned around to face them. 

"extremely lucky," he responded. "two millimeters to the right and the bullet would have torn through the carotid artery. it nicked some smaller vessels, but we've stopped the bleeding. you can see him now." 

alex turned over to you, walking over and helping you up as she nodded. "you can go see him now if you want. i can come with you or we can go separate." 

you nodded, reaching down into your pocket to call j.j. but alex shook her head. 

"i can call her for you," she said. "but you need to see him." 

you nodded, thanking her as you followed the doctor to where he was.  

garcia came rushing up as you were walking away and came over to where you were walking, nervously messing with the many rings on your fingers. she grabbed your arm in hers as you let out a shaky sigh, looking over at her. 

"i thought he was going to die," you told her as the two of you kept following the doctor. "i went over the six years we were together and the eighteen that we weren't. he was my best friend before we started dating, and that just continued throughout." 

she tightened her grip around your arm. 

"he's okay now, _____. there is no need to worry."

"but there is because he's going to go back out there and," you paused. "he might get himself killed for real next time." 

she shook her head. "if he tries anything like this again that hurts you, i won't allow it."

you smiled softly to yourself before arriving at his room. 

walking in, you felt a weight fall down to the pit of your stomach at the sight. he was alright though, and you had to frequently remind yourself of that. you didn't want to just stare at him while he was asleep but you also didn't want to look away in case something happened again to him. 

garcia brought you a chair as you took a seat and just looked at him, admiring every small part of him and even in this hospital bed, you loved him ever so dearly. 

you were wondering when he'd wake up, and as soon as he did, you were ready.

"hey, pretty boy," you said softly as he gave you a smile when he realized who it was. you saw him gently stretch out his arm enough for you to take his hand as he stared over at you. 

"_____," he said softly as you nodded with a small smile on your face and a few tears running down your cheeks. "i'm okay." 

you nodded, tightening your grip on his hand. 

"i know you are," you nodded. "you had us all worried there."

"you know, when this comes off, i'm gonna look just like boris karloff."

you smiled at him sweetly, admiring the way that even when he was full out exhausted, his eyes had that same look in them that he always got when he looked at you. nothing  could ever change the way that he felt about and looked at you. 

"yeah," you began. "a little green makeup and you'll have the best halloween costume ever." 

he tried to laugh slightly but the pain was still very much so prominent as he stopped immediately after he started. you smiled sweetly at him. 

"take it easy, spence," you told him gingerly, looking over to see another doctor had come in. you felt a little uneasy from the way that he looked at you when he walked in as you got up and walked over to where you were slightly hidden behind garcia while the man was distracted. 

garcia was talking with reid at this point as you opened his patient bag and found his gun that you took out- just in case. 

"oh, he had his meds an hour ago." 

"yeah, post-op antibiotics," the man said, looking down into the container. 

"yeah, he had those, too," she explained as you kept the gun at your side, observing the man. 

"which ones?" reid asked softly, sitting up to look at them. "carbenicillin? no, that's right.  i have a severe reaction to beta lactams. i can't have that." 

at this point, you knew something wasn't right. your finger moved to the trigger of the gun as you waited for a chance. you weren't about to lose your boyfriend again and you would do anything to protect him. 

"that's not in your chart," the man responded, flipping through a couple of pages before going over to put the drug in. 

reid sat up, sort of in a confused state as he began questioning the intentions of the man. 

"what are you doing?" he asked, removing the iv from his arm. "what are you doing?" 

he got the iv and hit the needle out of the man's hand, causing a distraction and giving you time to get ready to do something you had only done once in your life. both times had been for reid. 

maybe that said something. 

"garcia! _____! he has a gun!" reid exclaimed when the man was bent over to get the meds. 

this was your chance and you took it. 

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