one hundred and sixty one: rest of my life

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"spence, do you know where i put- what's wrong?" you asked, seeing him sitting the couch as you walked back in from his kitchen. he didn't look over at you, he just continued to stare at the television that was playing some comedy show.

you walked over to where he was as you leaned over the back of the couch.

"spence?" you asked, seeing him finally zone back into the real world.

"yeah?" he asked, looking to his right to see you looking at him confusingly. he smiled at you, pressing a kiss to your cheek before getting up and heading into the bedroom as you continued to be confused.

you walked to the bedroom to see him getting ready to go into work as you leaned against the doorframe, looking over at him.

he was putting on his watch as he made sure he had his coat before looking over at you once again. your eyes were on him in confusion, but he could still spot the admiration in your eyes.

"spence, what's going on?" you finally asked him.

he came over to you, resting his hands on your hips as he pulled you closer to him.

"everything's fine, babe," he said softly, pressing a couple kisses to your forehead. "no need to worry."

you shook your head, getting out of his grasp to look at him.

"you didn't look at me when i asked you a question and you always are eager to answer any of my questions," you said, looking up at him. "what's going on?"

he sighed, looking away from you for a moment before meeting your eye contact once more. he rest his hand on the side of your face as he felt you lean to his touch.

"_______, do you trust me?" he asked.

your eyes admired his as his hand stayed against your face as you nodded slowly.

"then you have nothing to worry about, i promise you," he explained. you kept staring up at him before you finally looked away.

"okay," you said softly and with hesitance. "okay."

reid looked at you as you walked away from him and towards the kitchen. he mentally slapped himself for sounding and acting like such an idiot.

he was just nervous.

reid never gave himself pep talks, but doing this was just so nerve wracking to him. he was so worried that you would say no or that it's too soon.

when he walked into his apartment, he had the extra key in his pocket as he saw falling asleep on the couch. you were still in your work clothes, and you must've been waiting for reid to come home.

he sat down next to you, admiring you for a moment before he finally gently woke you up.

"______, i need to talk to you," he said sweetly as you sat up to look at him sleepily. you nodded, waiting for him to continue. "move in with me," he said, somewhat blurting it out from nerves.

you cocked your head in confusion.

"move in with me, _____," he said. "you basically stay here every night already. you might as well just move in with me."

you smiled sweetly at him, moving to sit closer to him as you rest your chin on his shoulder, looking up at him.

"i'd love to move in with you, spence," you said sweetly. "is that why you were being so weird this morning?" you questioned as he nodded.

"i was nervous," he muttered as you pressed a kiss to his cheek before leaning against him.

"spence, i want to do the rest of my life with you by my side. you have nothing to worry about," you responded as he smiled, holding your hand in his comfortingly.

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