nineteen: stayed close

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"garcia!" you called from down her hallway before entering the room where she and kevin were. "oh, i'm so sorry," you said as you were about to back out of the room but garcia and kevin both gave you a sweet smile.

"no, it's okay," kevin said. "i was about to leave anyways. i'll see you tonight, plumsauce."

he walked past you as you looked at him leave before looking back over at her as she took a seat in her chair.

"everything okay?" you asked her as you took a seat in her spare chair.

she nodded. "yeah, we were just having a little talk."

"about what?" you asked, sitting back in the chair as you noticed reid in the hallway. you looked over at him with a smile, messing with your lip slightly as he looked over at you.

he smiled at you sweetly, picking up the sheet of paper he needed as he kept eye contact with you.

"_____? ______," garcia said as you looked over at her suddenly.

"yeah?" you asked.

she looked out into the hallway as she said reid standing there, waiting for another sheet of paper as you stared at garcia now.

"you are so in love with that man," garcia said as she laughed. "i can't even be mad that ignored me because you two are just so cute."

reid leaned against the machine slightly as he cocked his head a little, messing with his tie as you shifted around in your seat slightly. you bit your lip gently as he raised his eyebrows in your direction.

"_____, go see him before you have an-" garcia began but you stood up and left before she could finish her sentence as you walked out to where he was as you looked up at him with a smile.

"spence," you said softly as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, wrapping an arm around your waist as he pulled you close to him. your arms held back onto him as you stayed close to him. he looked down at the machine as you stayed pressed against him.

"you always call me needy, _____," he said softly to you as you tightened your hold on him. "but you're being pretty needy right now, sweetheart."

you smiled to yourself, looking up at him as he continued to hold onto you.

"you're really, really cute," you told him as you laughed a little.

"oh my god, _____. you are so in love," reid said as you nodded, still staring up at him as he got the sheet of paper and turned around to fully face you in order to leave but you wrapped your arms around his neck as you pulled him down to your lips.

garcia came out of her office as she sighed.

"oh, come on, guys," she said softly. "i thought you both said you wouldn't do this anymore."

you let go of his lips as he smiled at garcia, pulling you back to him as you wrapped your arms underneath his while reid kept one arm around your waist as you stayed close.

"sorry," you told her gently as you laid your head on his chest as he smiled to himself.

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