one hundred and eight: hallway kisses

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you were on your way to the back copy machine near garcia's office as reid stared at you as you went. you were like an absolute angel to him- you were what he desired and found so beautiful.

"spence? you okay?" j.j. asked as he turned to face her with a nod.

"yeah, i'm fine. why?"

"you're doing that little look at ______ again."

he smiled to himself, deciding to get up and go talk to you because he couldn't bear the uncomfortable weight of j.j.'s next thoughts right now.

he walked over to where the copy machine was as you turned to face him from where you were making a copy of the case for people to use and read.

mainly it was just for reid.

"oh, hey, spence! so, i'm making your co-"

he didn't even feel any hesitation from internally as he pressed a kiss to your lips. your hand was about to press a button on the copy machine but because he kissed you, you didn't hit the button and instead backed up against the wall.

he let go momentarily before kissing you again.

you didn't hesitate to kiss back either even though you technically had a boyfriend.

you had liked spence for a good while now too, and even though you were dating someone, you were planning on breaking up with them soon anyways before he decided to kiss you.

when he let go momentarily, you looked up at him.

"you know i have a boyfriend, right?" you asked.

he nodded, pressing another kiss to your lips as you stayed pressed against the wall. when he let go again, you got to talk once more.

"you know that he's-"

"i could care less about that boy. he doesn't deserve you," reid muttered, lacing his hand back into your hair as he pulled you back to his lips. you didn't hesitate to kiss back either.

your hands wandered to his waist as you held onto him.

"i love you, ______. i really, really do. i couldn't stand the sight of you two together anymore," he muttered as your eyes stayed shut from the last kiss.

"i was planning on breaking up with him anyways," you said softly, enjoying the feeling of his hands on you.

he smiled down at you, rubbing his thumb across your cheek as your eyes stayed closed.

"i guess i can call you mine now, darling."

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