one hundred and eighty eight: new relationship (part two)

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author's note: this is a shorter part two, but i will be doing a part three. i am writing this before work and i have to leave in ten minutes so i had to quickly write this up and give y'all something haha

it had been about a week now since you and reid had started dating, and it was going so well for you both. this was you two's first ever relationships, so navigating it was an interesting, yet exciting road. 

however, the thought of your sister liking reid weighed heavily on the back of your mind. 

while you and reid were together at your apartment that morning before work, your sister was calling your phone. you furrowed your brows, picking up your phone as you glanced towards reid. he nodded which prompted you to answer it as he put it on speaker phone.

"hello?" you asked, your eyes still on reid's.

"is it true?" she asked.


"is it true?"

"is what true?"

your sister scoffed.

"good God, ______. you study behavior for a living, but you can't get a simple clue as to what the hell i'm talking about?"

your eyes looked off towards the side of the apartment before responding.

"why did you call me about it?" you asked her. "there's no need to argue over a guy."

reid took your free hand in his as your eyes met his again.

"because, i liked him first and then you had to go in and swoop in and steal him from me. ______, there are plenty of good guys in the world and you could have any of them!"

"can we talk about this later? i really do not have time for this right now,"  you muttered, hanging up the call before your sister was able to continue speaking. 

"a new relationship and my sister is already causing us issues," you muttered. 

"hey, it'll be okay, _____. i promise you," reid said as you smiled. 

"thanks, spence."

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