one hundred and fifty: so lucky

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author's note: sorry for such a long time between chapters! life has been hectic- currently looking for another car since i got into a car accident the day after my birthday & i totaled the car, working a lot, helping out at my church, & also i went to a concert last night! (it was smallpools, in case anyone was wondering). anyways, enjoy this chapter:)

there was a scary movie playing in the background as you were in your kitchen making yourself a drink when there were three knocks on your door. you jumped a little, setting down the glass before walking to the door to open it.

"you're here!" you said excitedly, pulling him into your apartment before shutting the door behind him. he smiled down at you, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

"of course i am! i'm not going to leave you alone this time of year. besides, you make good drinks," he muttered, taking off his wet jacket as he put it on the coat rack by your door. you went back into the kitchen, trying to finish up the drinks as reid looked around your now decorated apartment for halloween.

he looked at your bed, the couch, the tables, the walls, the television playing the horror classics like halloween and the evil dead, and lastly he looked at the photos you had up.

you came out from the kitchen with the drinks as you walked over and gave him one.

"what're you looking at?" you asked, taking a sip of the beverage. he looked back down at you.

"your halloween decorations."

you smiled, looking at them as well.

"i love this time of year. i like having a whole month dedicated to a holiday," you replied, setting your drink down as reid had also done the same and you hadn't realized, before he pulled you close to him, pressing his lips to yours.

you let go first, smiling up at him.

"what're you doing?" you questioned, looking adoringly into his eyes as he looked back down at you.

"i'm just showing how much i love you, that's all," he responded, pressing his lips back to yours as you smiled into it. his fingers trailed out from your hair and he rest his thumb on your cheek.

you let go once more, hearing his phone ringing in his bag that was sitting across the small space on the couch. you looked up at him as he shook his head, trying to go back into kissing you again but you leaned back a little.

"it might be work," you muttered. "you need to answer it, spence."

he frowned, running his thumb across your bottom lip gently before he walked over to the couch to grab his phone that was still ringing. you smiled after he did so, you always liked him having the ability to make you smile no matter what.

"doctor reid," he said, seeing you pick up your drink once more as he nudged his head to get your attention to come over to him. you shook your head, motioning with your hand a phone as you pretended to hang up. he frowned once more.

"okay, i'll be in shortly," he said before hanging up. you set your drink down again, about to ask him what the deal was with the phone call, but he didn't let you. he pulled you towards him quickly, pressing his lips back to yours roughly as his hand rest on your lower back to keep you from going anywhere.

he let go this time as you whimpered from the loss of contact.

"it's a child abduction case," he muttered, his eyes running over your face and down to your large t shirt. "but my god, how i'd rather stay here with you instead."

you nodded.

"i wish you could too, but it's a missing child," you responded, but got real quiet, real fast after his lips met your neck and you closed your eyes with a smile on your face.

"spence," you said, forcing it out pretty weakly with the state that you were currently in. "spence," you muttered once more. your hands were wandering up into his hair as you kept your eyes closed. he didn't stop, nor did he want to stop.

"there's a missing child, babe," you muttered, tilting your head more to one side as he kept going. his fingers ran down along your arm as you earned goosebumps as a reward. "spence," you whispered out once more, trying to get him to hear you but he knew you far too well.

he knew exactly what he had to do to get you under his spell. he knew all the things you liked, and he capitalized on knowing the spots on your body that made you weak in the knees.

his phone began ringing again as he ignored it, as did you for a moment before coming back to your senses and realizing the current situation.

you pushed his head gently away from you as you grabbed his phone.

"it's morgan," you said, looking up at him. he was still staring down at you, and you could see that feeling of desperation and want in his eyes. "spence, you have to go. it's your job," you told him.

he nodded. "i know, but i'd much rather finish what i just started on you."

you blushed heavily, clearing your throat as you handed him the once more ringing phone. he smiled down at you, his hand grabbing yours as he pulled you close to him once more. he answered the phone, addressing who he was, before he started to go back to work on you, but you stopped him, holding up your hand to signal the phone again.

he nodded, nestling his head into the crook of your neck. you held back onto him, letting out a small sigh of content.

"i know, i'm running late. i'll be in soon. bye, morgan," he said, hanging up.

"i only have thirty minutes," he muttered, his hand now resting on your stomach as he continually pressed kisses to your neck.

"at the rate you're going, we won't get to finish," you said softly. you could feel him working his way down from your neck as you looked up at the clock to keep track of the time before you closed your eyes and relaxed back into the moment.

"you have your phone? keys? jacket?" you asked him as he stood up from your bed. he smiled over at you, nodding as he walked over to your side of the bed where you were sitting with the sheets covering your body.

"i've got everything i need, sweetheart," he said with a wide smile, pressing his lips back to yours as you smiled into it.

"i love you, spence," you responded. "don't be late."

he smiled at you, pressing one more kiss to your lips.

"i'm never late with you in my life," he said before you smiled back up at him as he left. "i'll call you after the case," he responded as you nodded.

"okay, bye spence," you said, watching him leave as he went out to the bau to solve yet another case.

"hey, sorry i'm so late," he said, rushing in as everyone looked over at him. morgan furrowed his brows, taking note to the small bite mark on his neck. he furrowed his brows in reid's direction as he disregarded it, trying to get into the details of the case and catch up.

"so," morgan said, walking over to reid as he was about to leave his desk. "that's why you were late."

he furrowed his brows, staring back at morgan as he pointed to the small mark on his neck that you had left.

"your ______ left a little mark there," morgan muttered.

reid reached his hand up and didn't feel anything, so he walked to the bathroom to look as morgan followed him there with his bag.

when he noticed it, he remembered how it had occurred and it only made him smile more.

"look, morgan," he began, turning around as morgan waited for him to say something. "you'd do the same thing with savannah because you love her. i love ______. and i want to show her that."

"hey, i'm not judging you for what and ______ do in your free time. i'm just saying that i noticed something and put the pieces together," he replied. "but i'm happy for you, kid. you deserve it all, and i can tell, honestly i think we all can tell, how much ______ loves you too."

he smiled, turning back around to admire the little mark you had left on him.

"she's absolutely lovely," he said aloud. "and i'm so lucky to be able to love her."

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