one hundred and fifty nine: marriage license

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"yes, i understand that, but-" you were cut off again, sighing as you pressed your forefingers to the sides of your head as you kept up with the phone call. the lady on the other end was trying to explain something in the harshest way possible. "ma'am, please, just let me-" you tried to counter her claims, but she didn't let you get much of a word in.

you let out a mildly loud groan, hoping she heard it.

"ma'am, please listen to me. i understand that it changes- ma'am," you tried to continue to speak to her, but she got frustrated and hung up the phone. you threw your phone on your desk as j.j. walked over.

"hey, we have a case," she said, observing how you were currently sitting. "everything okay?" she asked you.

you shook your head, staring off towards hotch's office with a hard set jaw.

"do you know where spence is?" you questioned.

she looked towards the room that you did your readings in.

"i think he's in the bau room," she responded.

"thanks," you muttered, pushing up out of your seat as you pocketed your cell phone once more before going to find reid. as soon as you did, you beckoned him to come to you.

"so," you began. "they aren't letting us apply for register for a marriage license because we were twenty minutes past the deadline. and i tried to explain it to her, spence, but she just wouldn't let me get a word in at all," you said, feeling your tears bubbling to the surface out of pure anger and frustration.

spence took note, pulling you close to him as he pressed a gentle kiss to either side of your head before responding.

"hey, sweetheart, we'll figure it out. it'll be okay," he said, seeing you staring up at him with watery eyes. "all that matters is that i will be marrying you and that's the only thing i need."

you kept staring up at him as he gave you a soft smile, gently wiping away the tears falling from your eyes and down your cheeks.

"i promise you, it'll be okay," he said softly.

you nodded, still staring up at him.

"okay," you said gently. "okay, i trust you."

he smiled back, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before the two of you went back to the bau room.

"trouble in lover's paradise?" morgan asked as the two of you walked back in. you glanced over at him before sitting down- reid having to apologize as neither of you responded to morgan's side comment.

they got started with the case briefing as you let out a small sigh, feeling reid's hand move to hold yours in order to keep you comfort.

you accepted it, and you knew you would marry him no matter what.

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