one hundred and eighty two: boss problems (part three)

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reid spun around immediately, sliding you behind him as he kept his gun held out. morgan and the team were on their way, but who knows how long that would take for them to arrive. you stayed behind reid, feeling your heart beating rapidly. 

"who are you?" reid asked the person, his gun still held up towards them.

the person shook their head, their gun aimed at him as well. 

"why don't you tell me, genius," the person said as you suddenly recognized their voice. you felt sick to your stomach in confusion as you spoke up.

"oh my god, mindy," you said as the person chuckled, taking off their hoodie to reveal your boss underneath it. you stepped directly in front of reid as he kept you close to him. "what is this for? why did you do this? did you do this? was this your plan?" you started to spew out questions, but mindy shook her head, shaking the gun in your direction to get you to be quiet.

"shut up, shut up! you stole him from me!" she yelled as you furrowed your brows, waiting for her to continue with an explanation.

"who?" you questioned.

she laughed, walking over to your nightstand where your picture of you and reid was. 

"don't play dumb. spencer," she said, looking up at him, seeing the gun pointed at her instead of his eyes looking back at her.

"what are you talking about?" you asked, slowly moving away from reid and towards the door of the bedroom while mindy was distracted as she was observing the other photos you had of yourself and reid. 

"the day you first brought him to the office," she began, observing the picture that you had taken of him on your first date with him. "i knew that i had to have him."

"mindy, why the phone call?" reid asked her, causing her to look right at him, not noticing your hand reaching for the doorknob as you began to slowly open it. 

"because," she  began. "i needed to get her alone to where i could finally get you to myself. if she had just listened to me instead of running to you, none of this would have happened!" she exclaimed, suddenly looking over as she saw you opening the door. "hey!" she yelled, rushing towards you, causing you to fling open the door as you tried to get out but she was not letting that happen. 

she grabbed your arms as she pulled you back inside, bringing you to the bathroom where she locked you and herself inside the room. reid was banging on the door, trying to get mindy to calm down. he could hear your muffled cries coming from inside.

you looked up at mindy, feeling the bruise already on your leg as you waited for her to say something.

"what the hell is the matter with you," you muttered. 

she laughed, shaking her head as she paced the bathroom.

"with me? with me, are you serious? you're the one who took him from me," she replied, coming closer as she knelt down next to you. her face got close to yours as you felt your breathing speed up. "and i won't let anything come in the way of that again, ______. you will pay for this. if i can't have him, nobody can."

with that, she hit you with the brunt of the gun to knock you out as you slid to the floor. 

she then opened the door to your bedroom as she held out the gun.

"spencer, now we can be together!" she said aloud, walking out of the bedroom and into the  main living area. she didn't see him anywhere. this prompted her to open your front door where not only reid was standing with a gun out, but morgan, jj, prentiss, hotch, and rossi were all standing. she immediately dropped the gun, morgan grabbing her hands and putting them into cuffs. 

prentiss, jj, and reid all went inside your apartment to find you and search for any more evidence. prentiss went to the kitchen, jj went to the living room, and reid went straight to where he knew you were.

he opened the bathroom door, seeing you laying there unconscious. 

he felt for a pulse, feeling one, and then proceeding to pick you up in his arms as he held you close to him.

"i'll get you out of here, sweetheart," he muttered softly.

at the hospital, you woke up and abruptly put your hand to your head. reid shook his head, grabbing your hand in his tightly.

"hey, hey, it's alright," he said, rubbing his hand on yours. "it's alright." 

you stared down at your hands that were intertwined with his. 

"what happened?" you questioned.

"she must have knocked you out with something. i went to the bathroom to get you after she was arrested and you were on the floor," he replied. "i cannot even imagine what would have happened if you went alone, sweetheart." 

you let out a shaky sigh. 

"i'm sorry," you said softly. "it seems like you're always a target when you're with me."

he shook his head, giving you a small smile.

"hey, i would rather be with you than anybody else. if i have to protect you during crazy shit like this every once in a while, it's all worth it if at the end of the day, i can still be with you," he said, leaning forward as you leaned forwards as well, resting your forehead on his as you closed your eyes. 

"i just made your long day even longer, spence."

he laughed a little.

"you're okay, and that is all that matters to me," he said softly. you nodded.

"i'm glad you protect me," you replied, feeling him press a gentle kiss to your cheek as you smiled. "i love you, spence."

"i love you too, _______."

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