seventy two: sister (part five)

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that night, you had reid over because of all the troubles you were having with sleeping and knowing your sister was about to be broken up with soon.

you and reid were both in your bed as you held onto his hand tightly with the door to your room shut and the lamp off as you watched the door in the darkness. reid couldn't take his eyes off of you.

"they're not yelling," you told him but he didn't respond. "spence, what if he didn't-" you began but you soon felt him press a kiss to your neck as you smiled, tightening your hold on his hand as you leaned back into him. "okay, hey, we have to focus."

he smiled against your skin as he stayed close.

"i am focusing," he muttered, pressing another kiss to your neck before leaning his head against yours as he pulled you close. you smiled widely to yourself.

"i understand why my sister is in love with you, spence, but you're my boyfriend," you told him. "please do not let her do anything tonight. she will try something- i know she will."

"why are you so worried?" he asked gently as he kept his arms wrapped tightly around your waist with his head pressed against the side of yours. "you know i would never be unfaithful to you."

you nodded, tightening your grip on his arms.

"i know, i know, but i'm-" you began but suddenly heard your front door shut loudly before hearing a small knock on your door. "yes?" you choked out, coughing a little afterwards.

morgan opened the door as you looked up at him, leaning over to turn the lamp on before getting back in your previous position against reid.

"so," he began, coming over to where the two of you were as he looked between you both. "she's staying at my place now."

"you didn't break up with her?" you asked.

morgan shrugged. "i was going to but your sister decided to show a lot more than expected so i sort of-"

"oh my God, not you too!" you said, tensing up as reid rubbed his thumb over the top of your hand as you instantly felt soothed and relaxed. "sorry, i'm just- i'm trying to take it all in. so, you're saying that you didn't break up with my sister but instead asked her to move in with you? even though she's in love with my boyfriend?"

morgan sighed, looking down.

"look, ______, you are the absolute best but those letters could've been written years ago."

"i started dating spence two years ago," you told him, staring at him with a look of disappointment in your face. "i thought you'd be better at this. i knew spence might be a little easier to bre-" you began but his hand moved to be near the waistband of your pants as you stopped speaking momentarily. reid smiled against your neck as two of his fingers moved down to reach the waistband of your underwear.

you nudged him, causing him to stop moving his fingers around but not from where they were.

"anyways, i thought you were better. come on, morgan, she's in absolute love with my boyfriend. even i can see it without the letters. every time i have him over, she's staring at him and giving him little looks. she's been all over him for as long as i can remember."

morgan sighed. "______, you need to find a way to let this go."

you shook your head. "if you want to, open my bottom desk drawer. there you will find every bit of evidence that you need to convince yourself that my sister is in love with spence."

morgan sighed.

"maybe i'll come over tomorrow. you obviously need your sleep and reid is acting strange," he said. "see you guys tomorrow."

you watched him walk out of the door and shut it before letting out a small sigh. reid took this opportunity to move his fingers around once more, hooking them underneath the waistband of your underwear as you began to close your eyes but shook your head.

"no, no way, not right now, spence," you told him as he pressed a kiss to your neck once more as he moved around the waistband before making it near the front. you closed your eyes as you began leaning back into him before suddenly shaking your head.

"spence," you told him as he chuckled.

"just trying to take your mind off of everything going on," he muttered, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.

"i know, i'm sorry. i'm grateful for it all and especially for you but i think i just need sleep right now," you told him honestly as he nodded, slowly removing his fingers from your pants and then smiling at you as he watched you turn off the lamp and lay down.

"i love you, ______," he said softly, brushing a few of the hairs out of your face as your eyes closed almost immediately. you pulled him closer to you as you responded.

"good night, spence," you told him. "i love you too."

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